767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Captain Sim 767 300 FMC

Message started by tupulur on Jun 7th, 2013 at 4:23pm

Title: Captain Sim 767 300 FMC
Post by tupulur on Jun 7th, 2013 at 4:23pm
Hi every one !!
I have recently bought my very first payware Captain Sim 767 300.
( I donot have 757 ).

I have read the tutorials to program FMC but when I try to vreate a flight plan from KLAX to KLAS, the route I get is different from the one given in the tutorial.

I request for a proper guidance to program FMC in Captain Sim 767 300.

For example if I want to fly between VOMM and VOHY, the FS X plight planner gives the route as :

Airport      VOMM
VOR            MMV
Intersection      BODEL
VOR            HHY
Airport            VOHY
Cruise Alt      20000

How to program Captain767 300 FMC for the above ?

Also after programing the FLC what procedures are to be adopted while take off and landing?

Line by line guidance will be very useful to me.

Thanks to one and all for proper guidance.


Title: Re: Captain Sim 767 300 FMC
Post by M.Schouten on Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:21pm
Hi there,

Here is a little guidance list, giving the whole explanasion will be eventually writing a book, so I will just keep it to your request.

After confirming the right database on your FMS and confirming the right set of engines this is the steps you have to follow;

1) On the POS INIT "Position Initialisation" page, you enter the VOMM on the REF AIRPORT box.

2) After this you copy the GPS POS cooridnates and paste them in the SET IRS POS box. Keep in mind that your IRS selectors on the overhead panel need to be in NAV position.

3) After this you continue to the ROUTE page, here you enter the ORIGIN airport (VOMM, in your case). And in the DEST box you enter VOHY.

4) Then hit the NEXT PAGE button on the FMS and enter on the right top side the VOR MMV (You may have to confirm which MMV you want, because there could be more in the world with the same name), it is the first one with the coordinates "N12 59.2E080..." (I looked it up for you). And as final, on the second of the top right you enter the BODEL.

5) Now you have completed your route, you only have to press activate and the EXEC "execute" button.

6) And your final step is on the PERF INIT page, on the top right you enter 200, this will set your Cruise altitude for FL200. ENJOY!

In the real world operations, you have to fill out way more information, such as weight, fuel, departure and arrival routes, t/o performance and t/o config ect. Bit this is wat you asked for, the rest you can find in the manual or just search on youtube. If you want to do it the right way, look for a FCOM or a FMS training manual of the 767.

Title: Re: Captain Sim 767 300 FMC
Post by tupulur on Jun 7th, 2013 at 5:28pm
Thanks a lot Schouten for the reply.
I will give it a try !!

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