767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Enter altitude restriction as range?

Message started by PikalaxALT on May 14th, 2013 at 9:15pm

Title: Re: Enter altitude restriction as range?
Post by Markoz on May 16th, 2013 at 2:07am

Not what I'm asking.

Sorry. I obviously didn't read you post properly. :-[quote]I know this can be done for the 737 other, where you can tell the aircraft to fly anywhere between two altitudes (above 17000 and below FL210).[/quote]
That's a new one on me! I honestly didn't know that you could tell the 737 other to fly between two altitudes. :o

How do you tell the 767 to do the same?

Due to the similarity of the CDU/FMS in both aircraft, I would assume that if you can't do it the same way in the 767's CDU, then it probably can't be done. :(

[edit]I think I found what you are looking for.

Altitude constraint suffixes:
• blank - cross at altitude
• A - cross at or above altitude
• B - cross at or below altitude
• both - altitude block. Example: 220A240B

I found it in the ‘767 Captain’ FLIGHT MANUAL Part V – Flight Management System (cs767_manual5.pdf), page 54

So it can be done after all!! ;D ;D ;D[/edit]

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