767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Enter altitude restriction as range?

Message started by PikalaxALT on May 14th, 2013 at 9:15pm

Title: Enter altitude restriction as range?
Post by PikalaxALT on May 14th, 2013 at 9:15pm
I'm having a little trouble entering an altitude restriction window (above 17000 and below FL210 at GRAMM, as indicated on KLAX RIIVR2 arrival).  I tried "17000AFL210B" and it entered correctly... until I hit EXEC, whereupon it stored the data as "17000B17000A".  When I tried "FL210B17000A", it stored the data as "FL210BFL210A".  How do I get it to do what I want?  There's two waypoints like this - GRAMM and RIIVR.

Title: Re: Enter altitude restriction as range?
Post by Markoz on May 15th, 2013 at 1:26am
The format is Speed Constraint/Altitude Constraint.

To use above 17000 and below FL210 at GRAMM, type 210/17000A into the scratchpad, then click on the RIGHT LSK beside the waypoint (GRAMM in your example), then click on EXEC.

If you just want to add a Speed Constraint, type 210/ into the scratchpad, then click on the Right LSK beside the waypoint you want to have the constraint. Then click on EXEC.

If you just want to add an Altitude Constraint, type /17000A (or /17000 or /17000B) into the scratchpad, then click on the Right LSK beside the waypoint you want to have the constraint. Then click on EXEC.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Enter altitude restriction as range?
Post by PikalaxALT on May 15th, 2013 at 6:24pm
Not what I'm asking.  I know this can be done for the 737 NGX, where you can tell the aircraft to fly anywhere between two altitudes (above 17000 and below FL210).  How do you tell the 767 to do the same?

Title: Re: Enter altitude restriction as range?
Post by Markoz on May 16th, 2013 at 2:07am

Not what I'm asking.

Sorry. I obviously didn't read you post properly. :-[quote]I know this can be done for the 737 other, where you can tell the aircraft to fly anywhere between two altitudes (above 17000 and below FL210).[/quote]
That's a new one on me! I honestly didn't know that you could tell the 737 other to fly between two altitudes. :o

How do you tell the 767 to do the same?

Due to the similarity of the CDU/FMS in both aircraft, I would assume that if you can't do it the same way in the 767's CDU, then it probably can't be done. :(

[edit]I think I found what you are looking for.

Altitude constraint suffixes:
• blank - cross at altitude
• A - cross at or above altitude
• B - cross at or below altitude
• both - altitude block. Example: 220A240B

I found it in the ‘767 Captain’ FLIGHT MANUAL Part V – Flight Management System (cs767_manual5.pdf), page 54

So it can be done after all!! ;D ;D ;D[/edit]

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