767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Configuration problem or download problem?

Message started by pilotonstrike on Mar 29th, 2013 at 4:29pm

Title: Re: Configuration problem or download problem?
Post by Markoz on Mar 30th, 2013 at 2:29pm
OK. I received the email.

It looks to me like you haven't aligned the IRS yet.

On the O/H panel, turn the three IRS Mode Selectors directly to NAV (don't put them on ALIGN).

Then on the POS INIT page on the CDU, copy the GPS location at LSK 4R, into the scratchpad, then paste it back in at LSK 5R to fill the empty boxes. After a few seconds, the IRS will align and the ADI and HSI will show the correct info.

The Vertical Speed Indicator only becomes active one the A/P is on and the Vertical Speed Switch is pressed, so what you are seeing there is normal under the current circumstances.

Hope this helps.

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