767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Flying IFR

Message started by Jambuster1 on Feb 27th, 2013 at 2:26am

Title: Flying IFR
Post by Jambuster1 on Feb 27th, 2013 at 2:26am

Does anyone know how to fly IFR flight plans instead of FMC as finding it hard to learn FMC.

Thanks :)

Title: Re: Flying IFR
Post by Haris Baig on Feb 27th, 2013 at 3:24am
Just fly with the help of ATC. I also found it difficult to learn the FMC in the beginning and used ATC for my flights. BUT, it is a pain as you would be getting constant heading adjustments and they are unnecessary. I used to get "turn to heading 300" and then "turn to heading 310" and on and on.

And, when i learned the FMC procedures, it made life a ton easier. I would suggest watching some tutorials on Youtube just like i did.

Haris Baig

Title: Re: Flying IFR
Post by Markoz on Feb 27th, 2013 at 8:32am
Create an IFR flight plan and save it, then click on OK so the flight is accepted in FSX.

On the RTE page
Click on LSK 3L, beside <SEND
Then click on LSK 6R, beside FLTSIM FPLS>
Scroll through the plans until you find the previously saved IFR flight plan.
Activate, then EXECute it and you are ready for your IFR plan

My advice is to make the last waypoint more than 70nm before the destination because the ATC does not recognize SIDs, STARs or Transitions, and so it will start to vector you to the arrival airport from about that far away.

Title: Re: Flying IFR
Post by Jambuster1 on Feb 27th, 2013 at 7:33pm
Thank you for your answer Markoz.

Will this allow me to use just the normal autopilot controls like ALT hold like it does in the default fsx planes.

Many Thanks


Title: Re: Flying IFR
Post by Markoz on Feb 27th, 2013 at 11:12pm
You can use the "normal autopilot", as you put it, at any time you like. I sometimes just take off and fly around in the 767 (not often though) and it does fine.

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