767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> HELP!!!! Few Questions

Message started by Jambuster1 on Feb 27th, 2013 at 12:44am

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Few Questions
Post by Johnbass on Mar 3rd, 2013 at 8:44am
1) Are you using any add ons have you tried reinstalling?

2) Not that I know of. Cs is for the people who know quite a bit or are real world pilots although i've read but i don't remember the name of the part but it was on CS's website that all the boeings like 767 777 757 737 727 707 they have made and two others IDK sorry if Im wrong but, those are for people who have know planes for a while but then they also had a list for less expensive and easier to deal with nut you can try to find out a way but yeah i really don't think you can. But trust me you will find the more work you do the more entertained you be

:(  Sorry for your problems hopefully you'll get it fixed but Happy flying John :)

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