767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> HELP!!!! Few Questions

Message started by Jambuster1 on Feb 27th, 2013 at 12:44am

Title: HELP!!!! Few Questions
Post by Jambuster1 on Feb 27th, 2013 at 12:44am
1- I have black textures on top of my base pack planes where the lights should be.

2- could anyone please give me a detailed description with images if possible on how to use all autopilot functions without using the fmc like the default fsx planes.

Thanks :)

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Few Questions
Post by Johnbass on Mar 3rd, 2013 at 8:44am
1) Are you using any add ons have you tried reinstalling?

2) Not that I know of. Cs is for the people who know quite a bit or are real world pilots although i've read but i don't remember the name of the part but it was on CS's website that all the boeings like 767 777 757 737 727 707 they have made and two others IDK sorry if Im wrong but, those are for people who have know planes for a while but then they also had a list for less expensive and easier to deal with nut you can try to find out a way but yeah i really don't think you can. But trust me you will find the more work you do the more entertained you be

:(  Sorry for your problems hopefully you'll get it fixed but Happy flying John :)

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Few Questions
Post by Markoz on Mar 3rd, 2013 at 11:36pm

1- I have black textures on top of my base pack planes where the lights should be.

Are you using FSX with SP2 or Acceleration?

If you have SP2 installed, you can reinstall (repair) it to see if that helps.

Reinstall the 767 Base Pack using the repair option, to see if that fixes it.

If neither of those two fix it, you might need to try a complete uninstall/reinstall of the 767 Base Pack (KB #685):

Q: How to reinstall a product?

Quite a number of "issues" are caused by using of outdated version of a product. Prior to submitting a support request please make sure you have current version of a product.

To reinstall a product please perform the following steps in exact order:
Uninstall the product:
1. Go to Start> Programs> Captain Sim.
2. Select the product you wish to uninstall.
3. Click uninstall icon.

Install the product:
4. Make sure you have the latest version of the product
5. Run the product installer (the .exe file) and follow the prompts.
Please note: valid Order Number and Internet connection are required for installation/activation.

Please make sure you run the installation file as Administrator and that "User Account Control" is disabled (for Vista and Windows7), it limits admins ability to install programs.

If regular reinstall did not fix your problem you can try to clean registry.
Please be careful and do it on your own risk!

How to clean Registry:
1. Uninstall the product
2. Go to Start> Run. Type: regedit, click OK.
3. Find the product entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CaptainSim\ (please note, for Windows 64bit versions it is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CaptainSim\)
Make sure you are going to delete correct folder!
4. Delete the product entry folder.
5. Restart your computer.
6. Install the product.

If you stil have issues and the above does not help we must admit your system configuration is a rare exception. You can try to install the product on another system or request a refund.

From: General / Download/Installation (QID 685)

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