737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Any Detailed Tute's?

Message started by wingclip on Feb 24th, 2013 at 7:01pm

Title: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by wingclip on Feb 24th, 2013 at 7:01pm
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to find some "How To Start" tutorial vids for the 737-200 and am having no luck. There's plenty for other 737's but not the 200.

The Capsim vids I have seen so far are more promotional than helpful. So does anyone know of any "How To Start-up" videos for the 737-200 or even a video on a plane that closely matches the 737-200?
Thanks, Rich

Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by Markoz on Feb 24th, 2013 at 10:35pm
I don't know of any videos on how to start the 737-200.

The only thing I can suggest is that you try following the checklist found in the ‘737 Captain’ FLIGHT MANUAL Part III –Normal Procedures (csx737_manual3.pdf).

Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by btscott on Feb 25th, 2013 at 3:28pm

I don't know of any videos, but have you seen this post on page 2?

Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by wingclip on Feb 26th, 2013 at 2:47am
Thank You Mark, though that manual, (#3), does cover exactly that, somehow it seems so vague. Maybe the way they wrote it was intended to be used with a live instructor leading the 'student' through the steps.

Anyway, I did find a tutorial video online for a 737 but it was definitely not the CS version and even though it specified it to be for the 737-200, the accuracy left a lot to be desired.

But it did cover the start-up in a more 'general' way and I kind of had to fill in the blanks using the #3 manual so I got it started.
Thanks again, Rich

Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by Markoz on Feb 26th, 2013 at 3:08pm
A simple way to get the engines started:

Battery Switch - ON
DC Meter Selector - BAT
AC Meter Selector - APU GEN
Fuel Pump Switches - ON
APU Switch - START (it automatically flicks back to ON)
APU Generator Switches - ON (After APU is running)
APU Bleed Air Switch - ON
Gasper Fan - ON
Air Condition Packs - ON
Isolation Valve Switch - ON
Engine Bleed Air Switches - ON
Engine 1 Start Switch - GRD
After Engine 1 N2 RPM Percentage reaches 20 - Engine 1 Fuel Control Selector to START
Engine 2 Start Switch - GRD
After Engine 1 N2 RPM Percentage reaches 20 - Engine 2 Fuel Control Selector to START
Gen 1 & Gen 2 - ON
DC Meter Selector - TR1 (or TR2/TR3)
AC Meter Selector - GEN 1 (or GEN 2)

That should have your engines running, you can now take the 737 for a flight.

I know there is more to do when preparing to fly the Captain Sim 737, but this is a simple way to get the engines started and taking it up for a spin. ;)

Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by btscott on Feb 27th, 2013 at 3:33pm
Mark -

Two questions:

1.) Although your start list says Fuel Pump Switches - ON, I can't see anywhere in the manual where this is stated. It clearly says to verify that they are OFF in the pre-start section. But doesn't ever state to turn them on. Doesn't make sense to me not to turn them on though. The engine shutdown procedure states Fuel Pump Switches - OFF, so I assume at some point just before engine start they should be turned on.??

2.) After the engines are started it says to move the Start Switches to LOW IGN and no further instruction after that. Are they supposed to remain on LOW IGN for the entire flight? What is the FLT position for? I assume FLT means flight.


Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by Markoz on Feb 27th, 2013 at 5:08pm
1) As far as I know, the Fuel Pumps will gravity feed the engines if the pumps remain OFF. I do not turn the Center Tank Fuel Pumps ON (I leave them OFF) if they are empty.  Like you, it seems that they must be turned ON at some point, so I do that prior to engine start (which seems logical to me).

2) For takeoff, I think you are supposed to turn the Air Conditioning Pack Switches OFF and the Engine Start Switches to FLT. After the takeoff is successful, without an engine flame out, the Air Conditioning Pack Switches are turn back ON (needed for cabin pressurization) and the Engine Start Switches are turned OFF. Maybe the Engine Start Switches are supposed to be put in the LOW IGN position?

As I said in my earlier reply, I know there is more involved when it comes to a complete checklist. What I put in it was an abbreviated Engine Start checklist. ;)

Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by btscott on Feb 27th, 2013 at 8:42pm
Hah! Good thing there is a caveat about not using for real flight!! I can see why!

I went through that entire section about 4 times and it never says to turn on the fuel pumps or to move the start switches except from stop to start to stop to Low IGN. Never to FLT.

I understand that your list was abbreviated, but the manual should get it right!

Thanks, Mark!

Title: Re: Any Detailed Tute's?
Post by Markoz on Feb 27th, 2013 at 10:54pm
No worries Bruce. I just wanted to be sure that you understood that I wasn't following the full checklist. ;)

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