737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> PaintKit help

Message started by AlanJ on Jan 17th, 2013 at 12:10am

Title: PaintKit help
Post by AlanJ on Jan 17th, 2013 at 12:10am
Hi gents, i've done a bit of repainting in the past in Fs9 but this is my first foray into FSX. I'm having a bit of trouble putting the parts of the kit together so that everything aligns correctly and wondered if someone could give me a few tips on how it's done correctly. I've done a search on the net but the CS paintkits seem to be a bit of a mystery. I'm trying to do a Britannia repaint circa the 1970's. I tried to post an image but i have'nt made enough posts yet to be allowed to do so. I've completed the paint but there are little errors in alignment of the fuselage stripes and there seems to be an overlap where the middle and front sections join that are taking out a bit of the lettering of the "Britannia" on the fuselage.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!

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