737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Fixes for the caution lights & firefighting

Message started by Dutch on Nov 28th, 2012 at 7:37pm

Title: Re: Fixes for the caution lights & firefighting
Post by CoolP on Nov 29th, 2012 at 7:18pm
No luck, Dutch.  :-/ Sorry, I would love to see where I'm doing something wrong but I can't.

To install

1.  Backup your CS_B737-200\Panel folder.

2.  Copy the contents of this to your CS_B737-200\Panel folder.
   Overwrite the two Captain_Sim.x737.G01 and G05 folders.

3.  Add the following line to the [VCockpit01] section of your panel.cfg:


   You may need to change the 19 above to one higher than the highest
gauge number already in the list, as usual in adding gauges.

Perhaps some other user can test it on his system. I have a default CS 737-200, except for the mods from Bud and Paul, but I've even tried it without them. I doubt that they would interfere though, so I must be doing something wrong.  :-[

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