737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Great Package!!

Message started by Aviator101 on Nov 23rd, 2012 at 1:10pm

Title: Great Package!!
Post by Aviator101 on Nov 23rd, 2012 at 1:10pm
I just wanted to say thanks to Captain Sim and all the add-on devs who made this a wonderful package. I know there are still a few glitches and yes the APU bit can be annoying, but...

1. It is an immensely fun and charismatic aircraft to fly. Everyone of my friends to whom I have introduced to it love it to bits.

2.It is pretty close to real life. I am NOT a 737-200 driver and I have NEVER flown it in real life however a few of my friends have and I have been in the cockpit a number of times. (Start up to shut down) and it is very true to life.

3. It is very easy to manage and after flying it I can understand why the airlines loved it and order it in huge quantities.

WELL DONE CaptainSim!!!!

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