737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Look what they did to her!

Message started by CoolP on Oct 15th, 2012 at 7:54am

Title: Re: Look what they did to her!
Post by CAF440Sq on Oct 15th, 2012 at 3:32pm
I cant remember but one of the operator's has the mula and did invest in this. I'll have to ask one of our mechanics as they would know. Around the Canadian North Hanger the mechanics always mention putting in modern avionics displays and other gadgets. But as always the bean counters have another thing to say and usually win >:(.  Yes you can redo a 737 cockpit into many options, 737's are king in that area of convertibility and life cycle's. The 737 is the most universal aircraft in the world with many options. Think of the 737 like the B52 of the USAF. Soon she'll go into the Max Generation series. So sooner or later my employer will probably purchase and install a new avionics suite kit as the price goes down.

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