737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> HSI problem - anybody had this one?

Message started by CoastalDriver on Aug 31st, 2012 at 11:20am

Title: HSI problem - anybody had this one?
Post by CoastalDriver on Aug 31st, 2012 at 11:20am
While I am very impressed with the 737 in fact I would have to say all in all it is a delight and I have not had any glitches or problems so far until last evening doing a flight Sydney to Norfolk then Auckland.

For some reason the HSI displayed course information incorrectly both tracking the VOR and the ILS. In all cases I could not get the HSI course needle to centre no matter how many times I intercepted track using the VOR and the ILS localiser path was the reverse of what it should be (that is the opposite side indicating I was left of the localiser when I was right etc., that is what I would expect of a back course but not a vector onto the ILS and final, nor could I obtain a proper intercept the ILS either (in the end i didn't because the localiser needle stayed deflected to the right,  took me ages to try and work out what the hell was happening given my spatial situation vis a vis the arrival aerodrome. No flags and ident ok, so go figure. Went visual and used the GPS to finish.

Just curious has anybody else had this issue or it may be a scenery/navaid bgl glitch?  :-?

Going to do some more testing on different places with the 737 tonight.

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