737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Those small but annoying things...

Message started by rfoshaug on Aug 30th, 2012 at 6:43pm

Title: Those small but annoying things...
Post by rfoshaug on Aug 30th, 2012 at 6:43pm
I bought the 737 yesterday and although it is a great aircraft, I feel that it's not quite as good as the 727 package when it comes to usability. Please take this as constructive criticism.

I love the fact that the aircraft is cold and dark when you load it, but what's a bit annoying is that every time I enter any menu in FSX (for example fuel and payload) and then close that menu, the aircraft resets - ie. the engines keep running but battery switch is off, engine generators are off, packs, bleed air etc is off.

Another little thing is that if you save a flight with one amount of passengers and then change the number of passengers (which changes the aircraft.cfg file so that the number of payload stations changes), FSX has a tendency to crash when loading that saved flight.

About half the time I load the aircraft, it has no undercarriage! If i reload the aircraft, the wheels are back (but the aircraft is of course cold and dark again).

When landing, the aircraft lands with the wheels floating above the runway. Try setting pitch trim all the way up and accelerate with maximum yoke at pitch up to get early rotation and you'll clearly see what I mean. Something is off in the wheel positions and/or suspension settings.

As I mentioned in another thread, I cannot find a switch (not even pressing L and swithing on all lights) that gives me white wingtip strobes. Don't know if it's simply missing or if there's some user (ie. me) error.

Aircraft handling has some issues. Pitch trim is very powerful and it'll rotate early with no yoke input when taking off with the trim in the upper (nose down) part of the green band. Some of the flight dynamics edits out there have made it better but out of the box it's not so good.

Also for framerate purposes, it should have been an option to disable all the adjustable passenger seats, window blockers etc and conserve CPU power to have the virtual cocpit update more frequently.

That said, I think the visual quality internally and externally is excellent, sound is great and it is a great aircraft to fly, if a little "unpolished" as a product.

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