General >> Hangar talks >> Favorite Captainsim product(s) and livery

Message started by fsxking08 on Aug 17th, 2012 at 5:33am

Title: Favorite Captainsim product(s) and livery
Post by fsxking08 on Aug 17th, 2012 at 5:33am
post your favorite Captainsim product and livery for that product

Mine: I only own the Captainsim 757-200 and 757-200F, and they are my favorite (by default) and my favorite livery for the -200 is the America West Arizona scheme (because I live in AZ, and I love the paint) and my favorite livery for the -200F is the FedEx RR livery because I love FedEx and I fly the 757 for a FedExVac.

I plan on buying the 767-200 and -200F as soon as I have some money to pay for it.

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