737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Thrilling action with the 737

Message started by CoolP on Aug 9th, 2012 at 5:19am

Title: Re: Thrilling action with the 737
Post by CoolP on Aug 16th, 2012 at 3:34pm
I ran another approach in NZ, at Mount Cook NZMC. Now that's a private VFR field with no procedures to choose from. So what you do is to approach NZGT, an airport with IFR procedures some 12nm to the South and then make your way within that valley until you set up for a left hand base for landing.
The first yellow mark is the IFR airport (NZGT), the end of the path in the North shows the private field (NZMC), just below the national park.

The current weather conditions may need some anti-ice being in place.  8-) The icing warning came up more than once while circling around.

While the actual airport data and placement looks easy, I had some trouble finding the sweet spot for runway 13 due to the terrain in the North. Rwy 31 may be easier, but who wants easy things?  :D
See my ground track here.  ;D The third approach succeeded, the other ones were too high for my liking.

That's happened with a non CS plane, but I may try the 737 too. Either way, it is fun and Orbx have done some amazing textures around the place, not really showing in that poor screenshot of mine.

Find the charts and tips on the approaches here. You should pick Glentanner NZGT (that's the IFR airport helping you) and Mount Cook NZMC.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the tip on Iceland.  :)

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