737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Thrilling action with the 737

Message started by CoolP on Aug 9th, 2012 at 5:19am

Title: Re: Thrilling action with the 737
Post by CoolP on Aug 11th, 2012 at 7:03am
Very nice, Ahmet.  :) Only brave pilots go there.  :o

I see you are coming in on runway 05, flying the southern part of that eight-figure. It's tricky, right? Perhaps you can line up with the runway even sooner when using the waterline as help.
Haha, it's so easy to say this, don't ask me how often I flew this one and I still can't handle it.  :-[

See where they want you to fly towards the runway, there's an obstacle to the right (it's hard to see, an antenna with a light on top) and the city of Queenstown to the left. You keep on the very left side of that water body. For your altitude, use the PAPI lights as soon as you see them when turning final.

With the default scenery, it may be a bit more difficult to spot the details, but here's your entry point.

With Orbx, it looks like this.  :o

An here's how Google Earth shows it.

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