737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Thrilling action with the 737

Message started by CoolP on Aug 9th, 2012 at 5:19am

Title: Re: Thrilling action with the 737
Post by LOU on Sep 16th, 2012 at 6:36pm
I never flew into KTEX in the 727. With larger engines the -100 would do OK. Stopping is never a problem in the 727.

I never gave it a second thought in the 757 flying into KTEX or KSNA for that matter - only around 5,700 feet of runway and VERY noise sensitive to boot!

Very busy airport with a lot of GA traffic. Notice how close the GA runway is to the main runway. Often times they would have parallel small traffic and a 757 almost right next to each other. If you didn't see the little plane - which was almost always because of haze and the fact that you are looking at the rear profile - you almost always had to go around.

The airport would open at 0700. I flew into this airport for months at a time flying the dawn patrol. The big fun was to try to get your clearance in early and be first to taxi. If I remember, this was one of the highest revenue stations we flew into. Nobody, if they could avoid it, wanted to fly out of KLAX so they would pay the premium price to use KSNA.

A turn to 175 degrees after takeoff is required for noise abatement. The 727 was so loud it would never be allowed into this airport.  :o

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