737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Thrilling action with the 737

Message started by CoolP on Aug 9th, 2012 at 5:19am

Title: Re: Thrilling action with the 737
Post by CoolP on Sep 4th, 2012 at 5:16pm
Nice research, Lou. Those GE shots look really good. I always forget about how powerful that stuff already is. Gives an impression without having been there and puts it to scale. So the big ones have to rely on the S-curve, no matter what, huh?

Ahmet, we are still at Paro. But we can't shock you with approaches, so get your P3D running and join us again, ok?  :)

By the way, I really recommend a read on Bhutan. It's interesting and somehow funny how their air travel developed. The small prop planes and later some jets, than a medium airliner and how much money that was for the small country. Very nice read on Wikipedia.

The other nice read was already posted. The Boeing test and demonstration flights with a bit of performance data. They flew the stuff with a single engine setup, something I can't even imagine in the 737-200.  :o

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