767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Engines shutdown midflight?

Message started by Pvjinflight on Jul 27th, 2012 at 3:39pm

Title: Engines shutdown midflight?
Post by Pvjinflight on Jul 27th, 2012 at 3:39pm
Could someone explain why my engines stop running when my center tank empties? I had this same problem years ago and I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. Now I tried CS 767 again and after I reached point where my center tank emptied my engines stopped running... Is something wrong with my airplanes overhead configuration?:

Switches/Buttons you see being on were like that also before engine failure, other than ram air turbine. All the warning lights are also on just because of engines quitting, I had no warning lights or any other warnings before that...

I am not entirely sure if fuel crossfeed is supposed to be on, I have had it always on in other 767 simulation from lets say Level C simulations, and never had a problem.

Please help me, if I can't figure out what I do wrong I can't really make any use of CS 767... Like you can see plenty of fuel both right and left tank, but for some reason engines are not getting it.

After I pressed ctrl + e my engines started again without me changing anything in airplanes configuration though crossfeed seemed to go off by itself.

And sorry about big picture, just there to allow you see my configuration well.

Title: Re: Engines shutdown midflight?
Post by Markoz on Jul 27th, 2012 at 5:03pm
I would be willing to bet that it is being caused by either your default flight when FSX starts, or if you are switching from one aircraft to the 767 within FSX, and the fuel selector switch is probably set to center. It must be set to ALL.

I use the default C172 in a cold-n-dark setting with the Avionics Master Switch on. The fuel tank selector switch is set to ALL (see attached image).
fuel_setting_all.jpg (Attachment deleted)

Title: Re: Engines shutdown midflight?
Post by Pvjinflight on Jul 27th, 2012 at 5:26pm
Ok thanks for fast reply, as default flight when FSX loads I simply have default ultralight and Friday Harbor, and I have then just selected CS 767 and chosen airport where I want to fly from and started my flight, I guess that isn't going to work with this bird then. So if I go to my departure airport with default Cessna 172 and turn on fuel tank selector switch to ALL it should work?

I will try to do that tomorrow when I try this very same flight again and see what happens.

Title: Re: Engines shutdown midflight?
Post by Pvjinflight on Jul 27th, 2012 at 6:31pm
Okay I set cold & dark default Cessna with fuel selector switch set to ALL as default flight.

After that selected 767 and set engines full power on the ground and put small amount of fuel into center tank, I think 5% of center tank capacity. When I let center tank to run empty just by itself I seem to have no problem, engines start taking fuel from wing tanks and there is I think 12 lbs of fuel left to center tank, and even if I completely take that fuel out from it after engines have made the switch it causes no engine shutdown.

However if I set center tank fuel to 0 using fuel planner when engines haven't yet switched to wing tanks then I encounter shutdown of both engines, but I guess that's not what would happen in normal flight so maybe it works now... Tomorrow I will try to fly that flight again.

Title: Re: Engines shutdown midflight?
Post by Pvjinflight on Jul 28th, 2012 at 4:59pm
Ok I set default flight as Cessna 172 cold & dark with all fuel tanks selected, no problem anymore.

Thank you very much for helping, I can now finally enjoy also 767-200 in my virtual hangar  :)

Title: Re: Engines shutdown midflight?
Post by Markoz on Jul 29th, 2012 at 2:40am
You're welcome. I'm glad you got it working properly now. ;)

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