767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> CaptainSim 767-300 Review and problems

Message started by FSXclax on Jul 14th, 2012 at 8:11pm

Title: CaptainSim 767-300 Review and problems
Post by FSXclax on Jul 14th, 2012 at 8:11pm
Hey guys,
I have to say a few things about the CaptainSim 767-300. First of all I have to say that the model is fantastic. Great job guys! Its a very realistic 767. But there arenīt only good things to say about the CaptainSim 767-300. I think there are many things they could do better! Let me tell you a little (but true) story: Three days ago my autopilot didnīt work anymore. Instead of doing what I wanted it just turns left and right as a ship in a storm. Itīs impossible to get control of the plane after i swithed the autopilot on. The autothrottle wasnīt keeping the speed on the limit I wanted. Iīm sure that Iīve done everything conscientiousely but it didnīt worked.
So i uninstalled it. But when I reinstalled it, there were no IRS-swithes anymore. And some other parts of the Overhead-Panel remained black. So I wasnt able to fly in a realistic way. And it makes me very angry that i payed for this...
Please help me and say your opinion. I want to fly 767 again!!!

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