707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> Glide slope dead

Message started by dt on Jul 1st, 2012 at 8:55am

Title: Re: Glide slope dead
Post by CoolP on Jul 1st, 2012 at 7:48pm
Perhaps you need to toggle the AP mode once. Lou mentioned that before. This forces a reinitialization of that system.

Read this post on the details with that internal timer while using AUTO. It's related to the 727, but I guess the 707 AUTO and MAN thingy acts in the same manner.

LOU wrote on Oct 28th, 2010 at 2:50am:

Once the ILS is captured by the autopilot a timer starts in the autopilot. As the aircraft gets closer to the runway the LOC and G/S get more sensitive. Boeing designed the glide slope to begin desensitization as the plane would get closer to the runway. In the 727-100 this was based on time. (the 727-200 used the radar altimeter - much better! Did not need to use this procedure.)

So, if you are on an extended (long) final and you have intercepted the ILS at a higher altitude the G/S would need to be re-sensitized during the approach. Here is how you do this: While in AUTO G/S and on LOC and G/S, you select a non radio mode - HEADING SELECT, then select MANUAL G/S quickly by pushing down on the switch and move to MANUAL G/S. Folks, this is way too detailed for this simulator. Just don't fly too long a final and intercept at a higher altitude. You can fly a 50 mile LOC (done sometines in KLAX or KLAS) just don't select AUTO G/S until 7 or 8 miles out.

I hope this information helps. It's a bit technical, but simmers like myself enjoy the detail. I find this CS-727 to be a blast and a lot of fond memories of the old plane which was always fun to fly.

Remember this is a "game" not a multi-million dollar simulator. I think it's a great simulation and it flys pretty much like the real thing which was not CAT-II. Give it a try and don't rush the approach and it will do a good job.


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