707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> No more updates?

Message started by PMSoares on May 27th, 2012 at 2:17pm

Title: Re: No more updates?
Post by CoolP on Jun 25th, 2012 at 5:31pm
I have to correct windplayer on, what I think, some items and their understanding.

You mean the oxygen panel lights, near seatbelt sign switch? Thats not a pressure warning lights. That lights says that oxygen system is charged, so it can be used if necessary.
They should illuminate above 14 000 ft, system works automatically.

That 14.000ft value is important. What is missing is the fact that it reflects the cabin altitude, not the one of the plane. You are in serious trouble when your cabin reaches that altitude and, therefore, the oxygen masks will automatically deploy ('rubber jungle!') and the system will pressurize to allow a flow of oxygen to the masks.
The overhead lights are an indicator that this has happened, so imagine some upset and 'masked' passengers in your back while you should take care of that situation and descend well below 14.000ft if the terrain allows. Some 10.000ft would be nice. Also talking about a fast descent, no easy vertical speed, but the max. safe value.

That old 707 does not use chemical oxygen generators but cylinders instead. You can read their (remaining) pressure on the FE's panel. That pressure reading will come up when being over 14.000ft cabin altitude which, unfortunately, happens a lot in the current 1.3 707.  :-/ The pressurization system is flawed and you will for example read 20.000ft and more on the cabin altitude gauge when the plane is flying high. This happens regardless of how you set up the FE's panel. I think Lou has tried to trick the flaw once, but wasn't successful.

However, you can stick to windplayer's list of course. For the sake of realism and to keep the checklist flow in shape. Just don't expect the warnings to stay away. Your cabin will always go well beyond 14.000ft and the overhead lights will illuminate. They shouldn't with a working pressurization. Lets hope 1.4 gives us one. There's hope since the current 757 and 767 updates ruled out that error and therefore stay away from warning levels.

That item is on our 1.3 bug list.

In rw terms, the problems when having the cabin that high mainly come down to only few conscious seconds without wearing a mask or with empty oxygen tanks. Hence the need to make a decision as long as your consciousness allows for valid ones.

If you're up for a very sad but in a way very informing story, look up the 'Helios Flight' here. When reading about the initial cause, you will look like this.  :'( Remember, there always is a chain of events to be considered though and learning about such a chain is a win coming with a high cost.  :-/

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