727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> I've gone on a FedEx bender!

Message started by Eric.M on May 22nd, 2012 at 12:22am

Title: Re: I've gone on a FedEx bender!
Post by EdwardS on May 26th, 2012 at 8:58pm

Markoz wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 5:53am:
Here's a question for you. Can you fly a Kaletta flight, even though you don't have a repaint for it? Or are you on;y allowed to if you have the livery?

Just curious because I don't fly online.

I don't fly online either. Our VA does not require you to. We only ask that you use our free program to track your flight and the program files your PiRep for you.

Yes, I can fly with any repaint. The only rule we have is you use the correct plane. Since the Kaletta flights call for 727's that is what I must use. I could not, for example, use an A320. I am not making the Kaletta flights because, as part of the immersion, I like using the correct livery.

If you are ever interested in hearing more about us please drop me a pm. I would be happy to go into detail and point you to the website so you can look at what we offer. If you like the friendliness of the CS forums you would fall in love with ours even more.

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