General >> Hangar talks >> Strange problem in FSX

Message started by Markoz on May 21st, 2012 at 5:18am

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by CoolP on May 21st, 2012 at 4:34pm

The weights are not (I think they are not) added to the payload weight, because if I add them manually, it increases the payload weight by some 4300 pounds.

So you only lose a few of the passenger entries or all of them?

I can see Captain and FO, then I see the zero entries. I was assuming that all passenger entries show '0', which then made me wonder how the overall value of 27.100 could be reached. So do you lose all passenger entries or is it just the case with up to 24 or 25?

Taking the point from windplayer, are there any addons of yours which could lead to that strange setup? Can you try a FSX run with a very clean dll.xml and exe.xml, so that absolutely no addon module gets loaded?

Lanzarote to Stansted

Nice route.  :)

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