General >> Hangar talks >> Strange problem in FSX

Message started by Markoz on May 21st, 2012 at 5:18am

Title: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Markoz on May 21st, 2012 at 5:18am
Has anyone else had this problem with FSX.

If load an airliner into FSX, go to Fuel and Payload to get the ZFW info (among other things). Then I go into Payload and my first 24 passengers are listed as being in the plane, using the 737-200ADV as an example, their weight is 0 (zero) pounds instead of 180 pounds. With my GA aircraft like my C208B, I have the pilot, co-pilot but no passengers or cargo AT ALL. I have worked out that the first two stations (Pilot, Co-Pilot) are there, but the next 23-24 are also there, but only with 0 (zero) pounds of weight.

Here is an image of what I see, when I compare FSX Payload with the aircraft.cfg:

I have numbered all the passengers in the aircraft.cfg, so that you can see the corresponding info in the Fuel and Payload > Payload section. of FSX

This is a new one for me and I feel that I may have no other choice but to do a complete uninstall/reinstall of FSX to fix it. :( Unless someone else has had this happens and knows the cause. I really don't want to do this because my FSX takes up 130GB.

I was about to submit a ticket to Captain Sim, believing it to be a problem between the ACE and the 737, until I thought I had better check on some other aircraft. Just as well I did because it is happening on all of them.

I don't know when this started, but I know it was at least a week ago, when I look at the CS 737 and discovered it. I thought it had gone away until today. I was wrong. :'(


Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by CoolP on May 21st, 2012 at 8:06am
I'll have to check that in my sim, but from the screenshot, you have a total passenger weight of 27.100 pounds shown. So, despite the '0' entries, there seems to be a value which FSX takes into account.

Can you alter your weight settings in FSX to metric ones then restart FSX and change back to imperial? Maybe it changes something. I'd also go for deleting the current fsx.cfg and let the thing start from the scratch before thinking about reinstalling the whole bunch of addons.

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by windplayer on May 21st, 2012 at 9:39am
i got same thing. never got it to work, but i using FSPX, so i never dig into that bug.

Also, number of passenger stations shows incorrectly. I believe that if you set all in ACE, - its better not to change pax weights in payload. Anyway, despite wrong indication, ACE settings works.

Re Installing FSX didnt hepled me. i got same things in both installations on my old comp, and on new one.

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Markoz on May 21st, 2012 at 9:56am
Thanks guys.

@CoolP. I switch between Imperial and Hybrid Metric a number of time (737 Captain C06. TOTAL FUEL AND VREF INDICATOR gauge is in KGS, so I sometimes switch to get my ZFW, instead of using the converter on the windows calculator. That sounds like it could be a reasonable cause (I hope) of the problem, but I'll check upon completion of my current flight from Lanzarote to Stansted. The weights are not (I think they are not) added to the payload weight, because if I add them manually, it increases the payload weight by some 4300 pounds. :(

@windplayer. It's a pity you did not find the cause. Now I going to have to find out why it's doing this to me. :P ;D


Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by CoolP on May 21st, 2012 at 4:34pm

The weights are not (I think they are not) added to the payload weight, because if I add them manually, it increases the payload weight by some 4300 pounds.

So you only lose a few of the passenger entries or all of them?

I can see Captain and FO, then I see the zero entries. I was assuming that all passenger entries show '0', which then made me wonder how the overall value of 27.100 could be reached. So do you lose all passenger entries or is it just the case with up to 24 or 25?

Taking the point from windplayer, are there any addons of yours which could lead to that strange setup? Can you try a FSX run with a very clean dll.xml and exe.xml, so that absolutely no addon module gets loaded?

Lanzarote to Stansted

Nice route.  :)

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Markoz on May 21st, 2012 at 10:59pm
This is what I should have on board:

Pilot = 180
Co-Pilot = 180
116 Passengers @ 180 each = 20880
10 x Cargo ULD's @ 1000 each = 10000
That total = 31240 (mine only shows 27100)

So. 31240 - 27100 = 4140
4140 / 180 = 23
My 23 passengers are missing! Sucked out and splattered on the ground? :'(

The passengers are listed, as you ca see in the image, but they weigh 0 pounds. One very weird problem I am having.

When I loaded the Carenado C208B I had the Pilot and 1 passenger, no more people, even though I added them and their weight to the payload (in Fuel and Payload > Payload section), as soon as I clicked OK and returned to FSX, they were gone again.

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by CoolP on May 21st, 2012 at 11:14pm
So 23 out of 116 are gone? Ok, that is strange indeed. Did you try the FSX run without any addons in the dll.xml and exe.xml already?

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by AirCanadaGuy on May 21st, 2012 at 11:19pm

CoolP wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 11:14pm:
So 23 out of 116 are gone? Ok, that is strange indeed. Did you try the FSX run without any addons in the dll.xml and exe.xml already?

Sounds like there are snakes on that plane.  ;)

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Lost in Isaan on May 22nd, 2012 at 4:37am
I don't see where you have the maximum number of stations declared eg. (from the CS 767 300)

max_number_of_stations =106

station_load.1=170,75, 2,3,First Officer

May or may not make a difference?

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Markoz on May 22nd, 2012 at 7:46am
Well I just found another crazy thing that my FSX is doing.

I decided to load the Captain Sim AC-130 Spectre, to do some more work on my Weapon for FSX "Mod' for it, and the darn thing shows that one of the external fuel tanks is empty. So I go to Aircraft > Fuel and Payload > Fuel and enter 100% for it, return to my flight, Now I have 3 empty tanks and my Herc is leaning to one side. I go back to Aircraft >Fuel and Payload > Fuel and it say 3 tanks are empty again! I fill them, return to my Flight, 3 empty tanks again! I'm losing my mind here. It really is happening, I called my youngest son over to have a look at it doing it, he confirms it. As soon as I return to FSX, those three tanks are emptied.

So I load the Captain Sim C-130E (RAAF variant with no external fuel tanks). The Right and Left Tip tanks are empty. So I go to Aircraft > Fuel and Payload > Fuel and set them too 100%, return to FSX, they are empty again!

What on earth is going on with my FSX????? :o

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by CoolP on May 22nd, 2012 at 8:06am

What on earth is going on with my FSX?????

It gets stranger and stranger it seems.

Since when do you get those errors by the way? Did you install something new just before that? I know that P3D installs its own Simconnect version for example, but this shouldn't mix up FSX.

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Markoz on May 22nd, 2012 at 12:41pm
YAY!!! I fixed it!

I deleted everything in C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX, started FSX so it rebuilt everything and the problem is gone! No more missing passengers, and no more fuel tanks being emptied on me. Yipee!!! ;D


Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by CoolP on May 22nd, 2012 at 4:12pm
:) :D 8-)

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by CoolP on May 22nd, 2012 at 7:58pm
Not to be taken seriously, but now you have to tell us which fsx.cfg entry leads to that 'leave 23 of 116 at home' phenomenon, Mark.  :P More seriously, that error still puzzles me.  :-[

Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Pinatubo on May 23rd, 2012 at 1:53am

Markoz wrote on May 22nd, 2012 at 12:41pm:
YAY!!! I fixed it!

I deleted everything in C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX, started FSX so it rebuilt everything and the problem is gone! No more missing passengers, and no more fuel tanks being emptied on me. Yipee!!! ;D



The problem doesn't happen always, but frequently I've had a similar problem when using CS 757.

Are you sure that is safe to delete ALL files at C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX?



Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Markoz on May 23rd, 2012 at 2:20am

Pinatubo wrote on May 23rd, 2012 at 1:53am:

Markoz wrote on May 22nd, 2012 at 12:41pm:
YAY!!! I fixed it!

I deleted everything in C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX, started FSX so it rebuilt everything and the problem is gone! No more missing passengers, and no more fuel tanks being emptied on me. Yipee!!! ;D



The problem doesn't happen always, but frequently I've had a similar problem when using CS 757.

Are you sure that is safe to delete ALL files at C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX?



I backed up (zipped) all the files, just in case it shouldn't be done, then I deleted everything (I made hidden and system files visible in Windows, so I really do mean EVERYTHING) in the C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX folder, started FSX, and everything is working better. I now have to redo the FSX settings in the fsx.cfg and every addon is asking me to trust the gauges and DLL's again. But it is working great.

The only problem in FSX now, is my Reality XP GNS 530 WAAS XPTM GPS is causing a CTD. But it has been doing that for ages. Even uninstalling/reinstalling hasn't fixed it. :(


Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Pinatubo on May 23rd, 2012 at 2:45am
Ok. I'll backup ALL files "...just in case it shouldn't be done..." and I'll delete them.

I hope I don't cry over spilled milk. :)



Title: Re: Strange problem in FSX
Post by Markoz on May 23rd, 2012 at 4:19am

Pinatubo wrote on May 23rd, 2012 at 2:45am:
Ok. I'll backup ALL files "...just in case it shouldn't be done..." and I'll delete them.

I hope I don't cry over spilled milk. :)



I hope you don't either. Good luck.


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