737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> V-One Gauge for B737-200/Adv w/Sounds (Updated)

Message started by fsxpaul on May 20th, 2012 at 11:42pm

Title: Re: V-One Gauge for B737-200/Adv with Call-Out Sounds
Post by fsxpaul on May 21st, 2012 at 3:02pm

jetjerry wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 12:54pm:
Excellent work Paul!
Simply amazing.

Question:  I see you have 19,000 pounds of thrust for the -200.  Is there a way to lower that and still have the gauge work?


Thanks Jerry.

The short answer to your question is yes you can.
The long answer is not without a bit of trial and error testing.

The only item effected by the thrust value (parasite_drag_scalar and induced_drag_scalar as well), will be the Optimum EPR display.
Every other aspect of the gauge will work as stated.

I intentionally put in variables to address your exact question as I knew many users have been tweaking their aircraft.cfg file.

I'd like to put together instructions on how to make changes to the Optimum EPR display using your current values as a test case (if you don't mind   :)), as many others may want to make the same adjustment.

Please let me know the values you're currently using for:

Also would be helpful to know (but not necessary):
PAX and cargo weight, fuel load and approximate flight distance.
This will assist in achieving reproducible results as a cross check.

Thanks for your help.

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