767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Captain 767 V2.0

Message started by funkyaz on Mar 20th, 2012 at 10:06pm

Title: Re: Captain 767 V2.0
Post by dbhally on Apr 10th, 2012 at 9:48pm

funkyaz wrote on Apr 9th, 2012 at 6:01pm:
Please Captain Sim,

Can you build a stable 767 and let us know what features are going to be present in the new 767 v2.0 because the v1.5 is almost unflyable on long haul.

Kind Regards


I've had an issue recently trying a long haul route in the CS767-200, Newark to Ben Gurion and by the time I get over the UK or mainland Europe, the sim goes crazy if I switch to exterior view. The exterior textures disappear, all I see is the cockpit windows and the lights just before FSX crashes. I did a repair of FSX and the CS767-300/200 and tried it again with the same results. I just did a test flight in the default 747...all night long KSFO to VHHH and no issues changing views.  I'm going to try some other things and see if I keep having the problem, I was using an addon texture, I'm going to try it in one of CS's.

if there is a plan to do a 767 2.0...I haven't heard from CS on this, unless I missed something.

please model the different engines for the interior views. I added the engine DDS cs767_10_T and couldn't figure out what was wrong, textures were not lined up, was because I was using the GE can only see P&W engines from the cabin view. It sure would be nice to see the GE's or more importantly the RR's out there.

I've mentioned this in other threads, it would be nice to have the shorter 200 interior too, and to fix the wingtip lights not lining up...I know CS is aware of this. Another thing I would fix on the 200 exterior model is the emergency exits, should be only one on each side over the wings. The only other thing I can think of that would be nice to have would be the different models included, the original 200 AND the 200ER, same with the 300, that would be awesome.

here's to hoping, thanks :)

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