767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Decommissioned

Message started by bond on Feb 25th, 2012 at 11:17pm

Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by bond on Mar 1st, 2012 at 1:18am
@silverbeard,  Sir you are not talking to someone who is new to flying an aircraft. I have been flying since 1984 and have a few thousands of hours under my belt,I know all about lift and stalling a aircraft. Perhaps I did not correctly explain what has been happening with my aircraft, I am at level flight in the sim,(have been for a while) everything is as it should be, flight altitude,airspeed,engine parameters showing normal conditions, etc. , I'm just sitting there in front of my screen (I do not have my hands on the joy stick) and "bam" it's starts to quickly and instantly spin round and round, then nose is all over the place tilting up then down, then round and round, impossible to control at that point and just crashes into the ground. It only does it with this model aircraft and it is the only one from CS I have installed on my computer. I do have many add-on's, planes,scenery,weather, FS Passengers, etc., and was thinking perhaps one of my add-ons is creating some sort of a conflict.

I have a decent computer and have all my drivers up to date, as mentioned I have a lot of add-ons  so I am starting to think at this point that one of them is creating a conflict, I will have to look into this matter further.

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