767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> Decommissioned

Message started by bond on Feb 25th, 2012 at 11:17pm

Title: Decommissioned
Post by bond on Feb 25th, 2012 at 11:17pm
Well, I don't know if anyone else has (had) this problem or if it has be posted elsewhere before but I have ALWAYS had a problem with my CS 767. After a while in flight and the autopilot is on the aircraft will for no apparent reason go into an uncontrollable flat spin down to the ground and crash, this is the only aircraft that does this and I have updated it to the latest patch. Unfortunately due to this event often happening I get discouraged and have no interest in flying this aircraft anymore, thus I have put the aircraft into retirement. Has anyone experienced this with the 767? (going into a flat spin)

Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by Kalai on Feb 26th, 2012 at 5:59pm
As a matter of fact yes i did. when i first got the plane, i really did not know about VNAV or LNAV so i used to put the vertical speed in manually. usually my cruising alt would be around FL340. the thing is, is that the higher your alt is, the harder it is for the engines to get to that height. lets say i put in VS 1800, most likely, the planes speed would fall very fast. just keep in mind that the higher you go, the better chances of stalling. now when you program the cdu correctly, id recommend using LNAV/VNAV for the climbing and crusing part of your flight. VNAV will enable you to safely climb.

Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by Silverbeard on Feb 26th, 2012 at 7:22pm
Oh dear, what a shame. From what you say there is nothing wrong with your aircraft, the problem I am sorry to say is you. You need to learn how to fly it and some of the basic principles of aeronautics. Very simply a flat spin is caused by lack of lift. In a fixed wing aircraft that is caused by insufficient forward motion - not enough wind under your wings.
Read a bit more about the aircraft and how to fly it. It is not one that anybody can get in, press a button and wander off into the blue yonder.
Take some time to learn a bit more - the rewards are worth it.

Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by Kalai on Feb 27th, 2012 at 6:13am
yeah he is 100% right. when i first got i had NO idead what i was getting into. i barely had the time to even learn due to school. but when those weekends hit, i was in the cockpit from friday night to sunday night straight! it took me about a month to actuallu get familiar with the cockpit (well 80% of it). most of the stuff i learned gets me from one airport to another but later on as i learn more, ill be able to spice things up.

Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by oskiatl on Feb 27th, 2012 at 2:07pm
I totally agree, I had that issue at first, then I went a learned thru trial and error! Keep practicing you will get it. The only problem I have withit is now is with the autoland! It's quite simple to get it up once you figure it out, but landing,lol is a whole other monster! :)

Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by Markoz on Feb 27th, 2012 at 2:48pm
I never had that problem when I first got into flying the airliners back in 2009. Perhaps that's because I had flown GA aircraft in Flight Sim (v2.x - v10) for 26 years and had a very good understanding of flight. It DID take me quite a lot of hours AND a lot of questions to learn it.

Unfortunately/fortunately, the only real problem I'm having with v1.5 of the 767 is the missing ToD that I get every now and even then it does appear to happen with specific STAR/TRANS regardless of AIRAC. :(

This of course has nothing to do with achieving a flat spin in a 767.


Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by bond on Mar 1st, 2012 at 1:18am
@silverbeard,  Sir you are not talking to someone who is new to flying an aircraft. I have been flying since 1984 and have a few thousands of hours under my belt,I know all about lift and stalling a aircraft. Perhaps I did not correctly explain what has been happening with my aircraft, I am at level flight in the sim,(have been for a while) everything is as it should be, flight altitude,airspeed,engine parameters showing normal conditions, etc. , I'm just sitting there in front of my screen (I do not have my hands on the joy stick) and "bam" it's starts to quickly and instantly spin round and round, then nose is all over the place tilting up then down, then round and round, impossible to control at that point and just crashes into the ground. It only does it with this model aircraft and it is the only one from CS I have installed on my computer. I do have many add-on's, planes,scenery,weather, FS Passengers, etc., and was thinking perhaps one of my add-ons is creating some sort of a conflict.

I have a decent computer and have all my drivers up to date, as mentioned I have a lot of add-ons  so I am starting to think at this point that one of them is creating a conflict, I will have to look into this matter further.

Title: Re: Decommissioned
Post by Silverbeard on Mar 1st, 2012 at 1:12pm
bond@ From the information given i'm afraid that what I promulgated in my reply was correct. Some people however have seen this problem in the past - I never have thank goodness. Please give more information and more people will be along that can give advice and possibly a cure.
1. Win XP or Win 7.
2. Processor type/speed
3. Memory - how much/speed.
4. FS 2004 or FS X.
5. What version of the 767 are you running, is it Download or Disc.
And anything else you can think of such as addon's or specific routes this happens on or length of time into the flight.
All information will help.

It's certainly not time to decommission it yet.

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