757 Captain >> 757 version 4.x (FSX ONLY) >> Wierd behavior

Message started by Greg Goodavish on Feb 12th, 2012 at 5:30pm

Title: Re: Wierd behavior
Post by NNewcomb on Feb 15th, 2012 at 5:08pm

Markoz wrote on Feb 15th, 2012 at 1:34am:
Maybe it is your controller that is causing this? Using my MS Sidewinder FF 2 joystick, I have to pull back to takeoff. If I don't, I will be going faster than the V2 bug before taking off. And so you know, I do not push forward to keep the nose on the ground for longer, I keep the joystick centred until I pull back on it.

Maybe it is because you have too much weight towards the back of the aircraft with your payloads and this causes the nose to rise earlier.


I always have my yoke centered until vR speed, plus it always rotates early no matter the weight. I can have the plane completely empty excluding pilot and crew weight and it will still rotate at 105 to 110 KIAS.

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