707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> Altering planned flight path

Message started by Marcusmmc on Jan 17th, 2012 at 9:03pm

Title: Altering planned flight path
Post by Marcusmmc on Jan 17th, 2012 at 9:03pm
I have been reading up on using the Doppler Navigation System. Here is what I would like to do specifically:

As a test flight, I would like to fly from KDEN to KMSP. My flight plan is YELLO6 HANKI FSD RWF SKETR3. Departing Runway 8 from Denver, is there a way to skip going to DEN (VOR) and resume direct to YOKES? Or, is it required that when I plan the flight to not include DEN?

What happens if ATC would like to give me a short cut to FSD after crossing COPLA? Is that possible? Or is it once you plan it and input it, you're stuck with it?

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