737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's

Message started by David Sweetman on Oct 30th, 2011 at 5:38pm

Title: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by David Sweetman on Oct 30th, 2011 at 5:38pm
Here are some early WIP's on the next 737 in the shop.

Lots of alignment work to do yet but it's getting there.


Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by rsgunner on Oct 30th, 2011 at 6:50pm

I can see another one added to my fleet.


Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by gandy on Nov 5th, 2011 at 7:12pm
That nose cone is great, it must of taken ages to get looking right  :o

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by David Sweetman on Nov 5th, 2011 at 10:58pm

It still is.  Loads of issues trying to align everything. It's getting there though.


Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by Dan F. on Nov 6th, 2011 at 12:01am

She is a beaut(e?)?

I am super impressed with the color stripe alignment you got on the fore and aft sections of the fuselage.  

Captain Sim!  Hear us!  We need a better paint kit!  This one makes painting a PAIN.  


Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by Edwin on Nov 6th, 2011 at 2:25pm
i personally stopped painting the 737 for a while since the problem with alignments and stuff. It really takes to much time to get a decent livery without spending hours and hours.

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by Dan F. on Nov 6th, 2011 at 3:39pm

Sadly I am in a similar bind.  I am investing too much time finishing details and matching the center section to the rest of the aircraft and not enough actually designing the livery and getting it done.  

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by David Sweetman on Nov 17th, 2011 at 12:17pm
It's taken me some time, but it's finally done.  My Air California repaint is being uploaded to Avsim as I type.  Once it has been hosted, I'll post the usual links.

Some new screenshots to keep you going until then.


Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by David Sweetman on Nov 17th, 2011 at 9:42pm
The repaint is now available from Avsim.  Details as follwos

Direct Link

File name

or do a search using my last name and change into date order.


Happy flying and enjoy


Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by Aflex on Nov 20th, 2011 at 11:20am
Great great job Dave!
Many thanks for that brilliant paint.

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by NaMcO on Nov 20th, 2011 at 12:14pm
One word: Superb.  :D

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by stratold on Nov 22nd, 2011 at 9:36pm
is a very detailed repaint
thanks for show

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by iwn on Dec 17th, 2012 at 9:54am
This must be one of the first repaints for this plane. Could there be a problem with current 1.0 version?

Air Cal looks already in my aircraft selection screen like its draining light, it is certainly not reflecting it. When loaded cockpit is all dark, only thing visible are the gauges. From outside, it shimmers and windows are grey.

Any suggestions? The other repaint I just added was CP Air and it showed up correctly.

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by iwn on Dec 17th, 2012 at 8:00pm
Actually there are more problematic repaints. Same effect with Malev.

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by Markoz on Dec 18th, 2012 at 1:35am
Copy the texture.cfg from texture.aa folder and replace the one in the texture.Air_Cal and the texture.Malev folders. This should fix the problem.

The liveries you are installing must have been created when the 737 was an Exterior Model.

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by iwn on Dec 18th, 2012 at 9:47am
Great thanks! That was the culprit.

(Before this I re-installed the plane 3 times with manual regedit actions, run the repair action with Acceleration disc, tried various combinations in the aircraft.cfg, downloaded a new exe and removed Mogwaisoft Shade... I was just about to update nvidia drivers)

Title: Re: Sweet Textures - Air California, Circa 1960's
Post by Markoz on Dec 18th, 2012 at 11:19am
Sorry the answer took so long. I didn't quite understand exactly what the problem was until today. I'm sorry you wasted time reinstalling the 737 unnecessarily, but I'm glad it all works fine now. Enjoy. ;D

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