707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> rudders in the rear twitching a bit

Message started by rsperge on Mar 8th, 2011 at 1:58pm

Title: Re: rudders in the rear twitching a bit
Post by rsperge on Mar 9th, 2011 at 3:33pm
is this a normal thing cause when I am in spot view you spped the rudders shaking and twitching what can i do about it have you heard about this problem pretty annoying
the throtttle part I get just remove the choke .
the line that goes down vertically I read in a past  topic and seems nobody has found an answer to it and defragged even lowered mysettings and cleaned out the temporary fies but still no results,.

should I possilby reinstall,and if so get a new link and or use the old one,by the way norton was off. just got the prject a couple of days ago. thanks Ronny

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