707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> rudders in the rear twitching a bit

Message started by rsperge on Mar 8th, 2011 at 1:58pm

Title: rudders in the rear twitching a bit
Post by rsperge on Mar 8th, 2011 at 1:58pm
furst if akk wanted ti say you have made a beautiful model of this historic plane.  Unfortunately i have 2 problems going on  ihave 1.4 since I purchased the product yesterday.

1- rudder in the rear outside twithes a bit shaking
2- throttle doesnot stay steay always like jerkling aound
3- have a funny black line the goes up and down mentrioned in a previous discussion.
my system is as follows: i975 gtx285 windows 7 64 bit 4.0ghz I defrag regulary col master half 1000wats of power, also hae captain sim 727 757 another company 747 flight one md pro 80 utx rex2 and gex all seem to work wel,'  need help please thank you Ronny

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