707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> New to the 707

Message started by Johan Nordqvist on Jan 4th, 2011 at 11:46am

Title: New to the 707
Post by Johan Nordqvist on Jan 4th, 2011 at 11:46am

Recently, I bought this stunning aircraft and I'm very satisfied with the level of detail it holds.

However, there's almost no documentation on fuel planning and flight level determination etc.

Using the documents available on Avsim, I can get Trip & Alternate fuel estimates, but there's no info what so ever on Taxi and Final Reserve fuel. I also wonder how to determine the FL of a flight.

Btw, the FSX fuel planner does NOT satisfy my needs.

So, how do I plan the items stated above?

With proper documentation, this plane would've been amazing!

Best Regards!

Johan Nordqvist

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