707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> A question for balus or any one tech savvy

Message started by nath2889 on Dec 5th, 2010 at 12:29pm

Title: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 5th, 2010 at 12:29pm

ok as you know i have been having tech issues with my laptop and thank you for trying to help me with it
now as i have now clue when it comes to pc or tech stuff my question is some one has sent me some parts for a pc to do build my self
so i know there isnt much in the way of geting it up and running as it still needs parts
but with the parts supplyed would it be stable and would it run fsx
sorry if this sounds Dumn but im just a painter not tech savvy at all
parts sent to me
1x case
1x 750w power supply
1x GIGABYTE 790FXTA-UD5 Windows 7 ready and AMD3 ready
3x standard no frills fans

parts i need to get so what would be best and can get on buget
HDD was told this must be a SATA ? ill google this one lol
mem i he said i need DDR3
network card

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by CoolP on Dec 5th, 2010 at 3:13pm
Looking good so far, Nathan.

DDR3 RAM is confirmed on the mainboard and CPU, speeds of 1066 or "PC3-8500U" are supported but you can chose any fast DDR3 module which comes in at low prices.
As 1333 or "PC3-10667U" come at the same price as the slower ones, you can chose them to have some overclocking headroom if you want to go for it.
Go for at least 4GB, better 8 and install a current x64 operating system then. A Win7x64 Home or so will do fine. No expensive versions needed.

Your CPU won't kick bu.. in FSX but of course can run it, overclocking is recommended then, otherwise you are at the lower end of being capable to run detailed sceneries together with some complex birds.
Going for overclocking means that you should look for a good and not to pricey cooler then although the Athlon II X2 run very cool and haven't got a huge cooling demand.

As you said that it has to be a cheap HDD, SDDs don't play a role here, they are to pricey then and FSX installations usually grow and grow. So take a current 1-2GB variant with 7200rpm and you should be ok.
SDD performance in case of fps is almost not present in FSX, so you just have loading times to fight which is no problem on current discs.

You don't have to go for special SATAIII or "SATA 6Gb/s" models as they don't use the bandwidth of the very modern interface, so SATAII or "SATA 3Gb/s" is very much ok for normal HDDs.
Of course, if the price is the same, chose the SATAIII one.

A network card is included on your mainboard, even twice.

2 x Realtek 8111D chip (10/100/1000 Mbit)

No need to buy one. See here for the rest of specs of your board if questions arise

As for the monitor, your preference counts. I think that 24inch models have a nice price point nowadays. The cheaper models use TN-panels which are ok but may be less useful if you are looking for a true color representation.
The magic numbers like 1ms reaction time are mainly marketing ones, you won't find any bad monitors for us "slow" flight sim fans, shooter guys might have another preference then.
You should look for a full HD model, so the resolution will be 1920x1200 and your graphics card won't have problems with this when running FSX.
Other games might change this (performance) picture but a HD5750 can surely run some detail without struggling. Depends on the game of course.

You should choose some price watch site to find your new stuff. Not only watch for prices but also for the reputation of the shop and look at the details before buying.
You can also go to big discounters if the run a shop nearby, all other solutions can be fine too but will raise the price on some parts.
If you need some service though, chose the friendly shops of course.

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 5th, 2010 at 3:28pm
ok thanks for the responce ill now have to do a good surch for the rest of parts

just one thing and this is another derrrrr moment as i said not tech savvy
whats over clocking and how to do it

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by CoolP on Dec 5th, 2010 at 5:13pm
This mainly means that you raise the default speed of your components. So if your CPU comes at 2.9ghz, you later run it at 3.5 (just an example).
This can be done easily nowadays but used to be a big task in earlier times.

There are various guides around the net, so if you have a running system you may want to read and try.
If you stay within save limits of temperatures and voltages, no harm is done but as the components only guarantee you their default speed, you may encounter instabilities when aiming too high or approaching somehow wrongly.

To get to know those limits is the task then. But, as said, if you google "Athlon X2 overclocking" or something you'll get more than enough information while your first task now is to complete your system and run it.  ;)

For the overclocking thing, a fellow pc enthusiast sitting in front of your PC could be more helpful than any guide on the net.
As FSX generally is CPU limited, the speed of your CPU therefor is the value to raise while your graphics card comes in second place and usually won't give you big gains in performance.

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 5th, 2010 at 7:40pm
aah i see its like getting a MINI replacing the engine with some thing like a ooh i don't know lets say a F-16 engine  
a vast improvement on the speed only time a mini would beat any thing in a race lol  but you get the thrust wrong and your FUBAR

um i think its best i leave it to an expert or ill end up blowing the PC up lol

thanks COOLP for ALL your help not just for today ;) its very much appreciated

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by balus on Dec 5th, 2010 at 8:09pm
What CoolP said  :D

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Markoz on Dec 5th, 2010 at 11:44pm
Most Gigabyte Motherboards have EasyTune included on the Drivers CD. EasyTune is a program used for overclocking the computer with the click of a single button. You can install that and increase the speed of the CPU. It's really easy to do. To be honest though. This new hardware will out perform your old laptop by a large amount (I assume), so you might not really need to overclock it.


EDIT: I hope you got enough "cups of coffee" to be able to get a Monitor, HDD and anything else you need to finish it!

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Edwin on Dec 6th, 2010 at 12:58pm
not to run into to much techy stuff, but a nice idea would be adding RAID-1 support in your pc.

If you build in RAID-1 (mirror) and 1 disk fails, you computer still runs on the 2nd disk.  Simply replace the faulting disk and the available disk will build up the replaced disk, so you have the RAID-1 back up.

Saves you a lot of time on reinstalling your whole machine and all things on it and stress and even loss of data.

Also found this on google searching for FSX performance on a RAID-1 solution, but found nothing, but found something interesting on RAID-0

*note: RAID-1 does not replace any backup, so making a copy of important files to a seperate disk is very wise.

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 7th, 2010 at 11:01am
i know you dont fly fsx much so this will be ok for your repainting ;)

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 7th, 2010 at 11:10am
i think his laptop is dead now haven't seen him since sunday oops i hope he comes back soon

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by CoolP on Dec 7th, 2010 at 3:12pm
I appreciate your appreciations towards some of my tips for Nathan :D and as I've just dropped him another coffee (this was my third) I hope he gets back soon.

I hope all you guys saw that big "thank you" on his page together with some funky music.
Worth a look.

A completely different thing: The forums currently are running really silent or am I wrong? I usually scan all descriptions here and look here and there and hardly any new posts.
Seems like the rest of us is flying busy plans.  :)

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 7th, 2010 at 3:49pm
nahh its just nath2889 cant do any repaints and post them here thats why it quiat lol

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 7th, 2010 at 4:40pm
just to give you all an update i phoned nathan this after noon and indeed as i thought his laptop gave up on him yesterday and no longer works

he did say he was waiting for some parts to finish of the pc i sent him
so he hopes to be back up and running soon  

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by CoolP on Dec 15th, 2010 at 9:47pm
Do you have an update about Nathan's activities?

I hope that Christmas brings him some working system again. I have enough repaints to get over the calm days now, so his pause is approved.  :D

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:49pm
Long story so ill cut it short he has the parts he needed
then put the pc together turned it on and only the fans came on so he phoned me and we went through removing all the cards and only trying with HDD
still nothing
tryed with out HDD still nothing
he went and got a new mother bord same thing
he then went and got a new PSU still nothing so now he is waiting to replace the CPU i had sent him to try see if that was the problem as i think this might be the problem due to the USB and key bord interface not geting bower to operate
but if any one has any other idias to what it can be im all ears

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by CoolP on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:47am
Seems like the bad news keep going on.  :(

Well, a surely workable CPU mounted on a board and getting cooled will give you some beep codes, but from your description, silence was the thing that happened.
Lets hope for the new CPU then. One small chance would be a CMOS reset via jumper before trying to start a new assembled system. But I think you guys already tried that.

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Markoz on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:59pm
When I get a computer problem like that, my first suspicion is the CPU or motherboard. Power supply comes last, but is usually cheaper to replace than a motherboard or CPU. Seeing as he tried a new motherboard, Iwould have to say it is the CPU. I have never had a computer fail to start because of the USB ports not getting power.

Did he have to buy the PSU and motherboard that he tried? Is he going to have to buy a new CPU? Added together they can start to hurt the hip pocket.


Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 19th, 2010 at 8:10am
i think he did buy the replacment motherboard and PSU
not sure what he is doing for the CPU i know he hasn't got one yet

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:25pm
phoned nath today he did indeed buy a new motherboard and psu
but at the moment lacks funds for CPU he hopes to get one in the next few days

but i have had another thought on what can be the problem but I'm not 100% sure

would bad memory sticks be the problem

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Markoz on Dec 20th, 2010 at 6:03am
Bad memory sticks can cause problems.

1. The m/b should set of an error code (a sequence of beeps) if they are faulty, missing, or placed incorrectly.
2. They can cause the computer to not start, but I would expect condition one to make an appearance (be heard).
3. The computer will start but it can freeze up at any time (often the same point in a particular game due to the memory location) because of faulty memory chips.


Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by High Iron on Dec 20th, 2010 at 7:50am
FWIW, also make sure that all the components put together are compatible. Check the web site of the CPU manufacturer and check which chipsets are supported by the CPU. Then make sure that the motherboard has one of those chipsets. I once bought a 775 socket m/b that I was told would work fine with my X9650 and encountered exactly what you have described as the original problem. A quick check of the Intel web page confirmed the m/b chipset was not compatible with my CPU. The same applies to the memory sticks as well, ensure they are of the type and frequency that the m/b supports. These are very easily made mistakes when scratch building systems. If you already know about all this, than my statement is moot. Just wanted to make sure I tossed it in as this was my experience with what symptoms you had initially described. Best of luck and keep plodding.


Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 20th, 2010 at 8:22am
we have tried with both boards just to boot  them in with no other cards inserted other than mem and still the same thing
and now im kicking my self as i think it is the mem as i remember nath saying some thing about beeps that happened with both boards after first turn on
but beeps no longer present
and he went and orderd a new CPU with what little money he had left
he should be getting it to day and he will be so disapointed when it dosnt boot
ok i think i better tell him the bad news and i dont think he has any cash left for new mem
think he is going to kill me lol

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Markoz on Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:04am
The worst thing is that he will wind up with one new working computer and one new not working computer.

He could also try to sell what the parts he is not using to get some money back. It's better than nothing.


Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:31pm
Sam im gunner kill you when i get my hands on you lol
any way just an update im still not up and running yet as im using a public computer at the moment to do my emails and online stuff
but it turns out no thanks to sam lol
that this problem could of been the memory all along if there is any one that could back this up so i dont waist any more of my very limited funds
as im about ready to kick the ne PC out the darn window
simptomes when first booted up with both motherbords was after the CPU , HDD ,Memory and PSU were conected the pc did not boot but did how ever beep a few times but i cant tell you how meany beebs as it no longer dose it
ANY clues

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm
right folks im going to be kicked out of the library soon so ill have to cheack for responces tomorrow if its open

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 20th, 2010 at 6:17pm
Yea ill hold my hands up to this one i should of thought about it befor geting you to get new mother bord , CPU and PSU could of saved you lots if i got you to do mem sticks first
soz man
look at it this way though you have spair parts for if it gose wrong after you get it running

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Markoz on Dec 21st, 2010 at 1:47am
@Samurai. Don't fret. You where trying to get him up and running quickly and missed some clues. BUT. It is ALWAYS harder to find the problem when can't see or hear what is happening and when it's happening (the hardest way to fix a computer). What can make it harder is when someone who is NOT savvy with computers, tries to tell you what it is doing. Been there, done that.

@Nathan. Good to see you popping in here at least. I'm not have a dig at you in the bit for samurai.


Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by samurai on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:30am
Well he was only jokeing when he said he was going to kill me
but it is still kinda my folt in a way as he brought the PC to me to take a look at and i rushed to a conclusion and told him it was a CPU and knowing he dosnt have much funds i feal kinda bad as he spent a lot on some thing he didnt need

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 21st, 2010 at 11:39am
SAM its not your folt at least you got me this far and now i have spear parts in case some thing gos wrong when i finaly get it up and running
i well find out on the 31st if it was the memory as ill just have enough for 1GB DDR3 i  hope that will let it boot up fingers crossed

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Edwin on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:01pm
maybe a bit to late since he already spend a lot of money on hardware.

If you don't know much of computers and stuff, buy a brand pc like a Dell or HP.

If it's broken, you have warranty. Other thing, there is a whole development team at those kind of suppliers who already figured out what works with what based on hard and software, so no need to invent that wheel.

Some say it's more expensive, but whats more expensive then pulling your hair out figuring out why your hardware is not working together and you have to replace this because its not compatible and ending up with a huge stress and hate about the hardware you bought..
Specially for those who are no comp wizzes :)

People in my area i always recommend, if you don't know much about a pc, buy a preassambled one. 1 box, 1 warranty to fall back on in case of nuts.

I myself work as an IT-specialist at a Japanse Firm and maintain quite a few boxes which are all bought from Dell.
At home i use a Dell pc and had a few times that my harddisk was broken. 1 phonecall and the next day i had a new harddrive and since it was RAID-1 config was just pull out the defective one and chuck in the new 1. No downtime :O
(I used to toy with self made pc's, but it costed me a shitload of money since i always wanted to upgrade and stuff and in the end costing me more time on rebuilding/reinstalling then actual playing with it.

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:35pm
i was going to buy a new out the box PC some time next year but when my laptop died sam sent me a bundel of stuff like the tower cpu psu grafix sound card and othe bits so i got the rest but at the momet it dont work lol just my luck
so now im in the library using a pc there just to catch up on emails and stuff
but just hope its the memory so i can get up and running soon im missing repainting lol

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by CoolP on Dec 21st, 2010 at 9:24pm
Don't hurry, Nathan, the calm days are coming up.

Can't some parts that are of no use now be returned or something? At least, if you bought them online, you can return them within a certain time, in good (new) shape and with all packing and bundled stuff included.
Even if you've got them from a local dealer, they should be fair then or not?

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by nath2889 on Dec 27th, 2010 at 1:11am
I'm back
it was the memory sticks and although i was going to have 4GB in I'm only on three but its good enough for me
for now any way lol
no i got the task of putting all my stuff on to this PC that i managed to get of my laptop before it died
so repaints will be starting again soon


Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Markoz on Dec 27th, 2010 at 7:47am
No worries Nathan.

Glad to have you back. I look forward to more of your repaints. :D


Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by CoolP on Dec 27th, 2010 at 4:54pm
Bad memory .. I had this problem too .. wait, what were we talking about?

Title: Re: A question for balus or any one tech savvy
Post by Markoz on Dec 28th, 2010 at 12:24pm
Well when you get to my age, bad memory, supposedly, becomes "the norm". :D :P


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