727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> List of Bugs after 2.4 - Comments needed

Message started by CoolP on Oct 16th, 2010 at 6:20am

Title: Re: List of Bugs after 2.4 - Comments needed
Post by Gabriel Silva on Oct 27th, 2010 at 11:31am
Thanks CoolP for the great thread! Hopefully we will get everything fixed by working together with Captainsim.

Here is a list of the bugs I've found after doing a flight on the 727-100 another company with the PAN American livery. I currently own only the basic package so I haven't tested all models yet.

Bugs(please ignore any items already listed on the first page):

1- Pressurization not working at all, it does not matter if it is in manual or auto mode. It looks to me as if there is no functioning outflow valves at all. The air just comes from the outside as if it was an unpressurized airplane.

2- Engine Generators only work if you keep the switch in the "up" position leaving them closed. They should pop back to the middle after closing, but if you do that you loose your electrical system after some time, that's why people have to add lines to the cfg to make the battery less forever.

3- The HSI displays the HDG FAIL flag when there are no VORs selected. It should be a NAV FLAG instead.

4- Regarding the Audio Panel, only the Flight Engineer one works, the Captain's and F/O's appears to be only a dummy panel.

5- In my system I am unable to use the pitch mode of the autopilot, only the altitude hold works, whenever I press the pitch "wheel" there is no change at all.

6- The HDG mode on the auto pilot does not come off when you engadge the NAV LOC, it has to be put off manually. It should be automatic.

7- The Flight Director sometimes is connected with the autopilot and sometimes not. It varied between my flights.

8- The Flight Director mode annunciator and the Autopilot mode annunciator are operating "together". What I mean by that is if I engadge the HDG mode on the Flight Director there is no light on the annunciator, but if I engadge the HDG mode on the autopilot the Flight Directors annunciator is the one illuminated.(I will take a screenshot of this behavior when I can)

9- The DME 2 display on the Captain's side is displaying DME 1 info.

10- The F/O's HSI is showing NAV 1 info and there is no way to change it.

11- The HDG mode button does not work in the VC.

That's it for now.

Gabriel Silva

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