727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> List of Bugs after 2.4 - Comments needed

Message started by CoolP on Oct 16th, 2010 at 6:20am

Title: Re: List of Bugs after 2.4 - Comments needed
Post by CoolP on Oct 27th, 2010 at 10:27am
Ok, first of all anther thanks from me for the service.

You've mixed up item 17 and (the non existent) 18, Tanya. No problem, the KB thing is right on it.

So the remain items are

4. There are "EPR set knobs" and you can use them of course but the manual states that they are driven automatically when pushed in.
I personally still wonder.

11. What is the "Flight Control Warning Test Switch" supposed to do? I can't find a description in the manuals.
Maybe Lou can tell, doesn't seem to be that important, this little switch.

12. You can't set up the VOR tone identifiers to be heard anywhere.
Seems like you have to use the FSX keyboard shortcuts here.

13. There are no cockpit sounds when the avionics are on, there's no trim wheel sound, you can't hear a spoiler sound.
Suggesting the 707 sounds here, just a wish.

14. The manuals speak of some things that aren't there or called by other names in the cockpit.
Ticket issued by me.

15. The "quiet wing" placard is visible even on non-quiet planes.
Small flaw but big thing for the ACE to do this.

16. The HDG switch on the AP can only be operated in the 2D popup if you want to set it back to "off".
Still has to be issued by pulsar21.

That's about it here and on the 727. Lets look forward to 2.5 then.

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