727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> New Flight Model

Message started by Michael2 on Jan 7th, 2010 at 5:57am

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 19th, 2010 at 7:42am
Well, having looked at the way the variants work, I think Markoz is right.  All the 100 models share the same air and cfg files and the ACE utility only overwrites the station loads part of the cfg file.

So Joseph, I think something went wrong with your installation of the new air file or your modification of the cfg file.

Asanal, you can easily make a backup copy of your config file in case anything goes wrong.  Then all you need to do is find the lines of text that start the same as the ones in the readme file and replace the orignal with what is in the readme.  For example, to start, you search down the config file to find the line that begins with empty_weight_CG_position followed by some numbers and replace it with what I have in the readme.  If I had any programming ability, I would make an installer, but I am afraid that is completely beyond me.

I will produce an update soon (not sure when exactly) to address the issue with difficult rotation and hopefully provide a COG gauge and take off trim chart.

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