727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> New Flight Model

Message started by Michael2 on Jan 7th, 2010 at 5:57am

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by josephsevern on Jan 18th, 2010 at 11:29am
hi micheal

I have tried your new flight model and a strange plane behaviour has occured :

on final approche, AP on, flapp 25° down, gears up, plane's weight around 130 000 lbs, catching well the GS from 5000 ft above the airport (AP altitude hold automaticaly switched off), the aircraft attitude looks impossible :
- nose pitch down 12° !
- VS around 700 ftm !
- throttle around 1.85 EPR !
- no trim applied
- KIAS 122 knots !
the aircraft has followed well the GS in that attitude  :o while on final, previous to touch down and gears down, I had to disconnect the AP and fly the bird by hands until on the ground. The plane landed at 86 knts at flaps 30° !!!

Previously in a clean configuration filght at FL250, I had applied 1.88 EPR to maintain 350 knots speed (plane's weight 135 000 lbs) instead the 1.63 EPR required according to DL727 charts

I have no idea why this things appened ! sorry

computer configuration : Vista 32 SP2 4Gb ram, FSX SP2, CaptainSim 727 SP 2.2 modified (fixed ERP gauge, modified aircraft.cfg and your new cs727100.air file)

I had to get back to original cs727100.air and unmodified cfg file to land with correct plane attitude (I kept the modified ERP gauge). :'(

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