727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> New Flight Model

Message started by Michael2 on Jan 7th, 2010 at 5:57am

Title: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 7th, 2010 at 5:57am
I have spent many hours creating a new flight model to get the CS 727-100 to perform according to a real world performance manual.  It will climb, cruise, hold, and burn fuel and descend (at flight idle 55% N1) at very close to the proper values using the correct power settings. My EPR gauge mod must be used as the Captain Sim version 2.3 gives different values.

Does Captain Sim have any objection to my making the modified air file available to download?  

For the config file I would need to post cut and paste instructions, since everyone has a different file with different skins and so on.  It is possible to do the same thing with the air file by converting it to text and then recompiling it, but it would be tedious for people to make the mod that way.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 7th, 2010 at 8:59am
Ohhhhh yes please!!!!!!! I'm very interesting in that model!!!!!  :o

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 14th, 2010 at 5:24am
The mod is available here:

Captain Sim, if you have a problem with this, I will take the files down.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Captain Sim 2 on Jan 14th, 2010 at 7:46am
No problems with this, Michael.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 14th, 2010 at 9:08am
:o  OMG  :o  I was waiting this for a loooong time!!!!!
I' will test it this night and let you know, Thanks a lot!!!!  ;)

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by jjlittler on Jan 14th, 2010 at 5:01pm
Hi Michael,

Just wondering if you were willing to do the same for the 200 series?

James ;D

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 14th, 2010 at 7:24pm
Hi Michael.

I've tested it a couple of times.

I can say that for cruise it is very accurate.  ;) Tested al FL310 and FL350.

For descent, at N1 55% mantain aprox. 280 Nm at 2000 VS.  ;)

For climb, it is complicated, because it depends on VS.
What is your climb rate?
For me, I try to be at speed:300 with a VS of 2000 - 2500
I couldn't get that with the model. I get speed:290 with VS between 500 and 1000 which is very low.

Fuel: I haven't seen that.

Great work!!!!  :)

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 14th, 2010 at 7:27pm
Yes, I will probably do the same for the the 200 aircraft, since much of the work should carry over.  But it may take a while as I don't have so much time available now.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 14th, 2010 at 9:47pm
Michael, another thing. I'm not able to take-off with 0 trim, before the change I was able. Is that how you configure the model?

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 14th, 2010 at 11:20pm
I moved both the centre of gravity and of lift.  Unfortunately we have no way to see what %MAC we have after loading the aircraft in order to properly set the trim.  Generally you should be OK in the middle of the green band. Fully loaded, you need more trim than that.

As for climb, I tested this extensively against real world climb charts. Fully loaded, you should climb intitially at a little over 3000' per minute and of course at 250 knots below 10,000 feet, but this will decline with altitude until you are down to about 500' per minute some time after 30,000 -- I don't recall the exact figures off the top of my head.  This flight model is very close to what it should be -- maybe the climb is a little low, but it's very close.  

You have to check the climb power against TAT as you climb, although once your speed is stable, EPR should rise pretty much on its own as you climb to the required amount (under standard atmospheric conditions). After 10,000 feet you should be climbing at around 280-300 IAS, using the higher value if you are heavy.  The charts I had stated 280 knots and then transitioning to mach 0.7, although other charts and guides I have seen have suggest higher figures.  I found in testing that 290 to 300 and then Mach 0.72 the best climb when fully loaded.  If you let your speed get too low, you will have to significantly reduce your climb to accelerate.  

I used the autopilot for testing as it allows very fine control of pitch.  In my experience the main trim control is too coarse to be able to climb at the optimal rate.

Finally, I believe the charts I used give climb power settings a couple of points higher than in the charts I referenced in the download -- i.e. 1.85 instead of 1.83 for example.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 15th, 2010 at 12:32am
Ok, thanks!!. I will use another set of charts (original 727).

I've noticied that the temp gauge I used for my testing was showing incorrect values.
I created a new gauge and tomorrow will tested the model again.

Thanks for your work  :)

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 15th, 2010 at 2:06am
Be sure your gauge is showing TAT and not OAT as the two are quite different things.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 15th, 2010 at 9:07am
:-[  ups, I just thought tat and oac where the same thing. I'll have to read a bit more.  ;)

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 15th, 2010 at 5:18pm
Ok, I can confirm that Michael's model work very well. It follows the real 727 performance charts I have.
Finally I can fly this bird the way it should be  ;)

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 15th, 2010 at 7:16pm
Glad you like it.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 16th, 2010 at 1:25am
Hi Michael,

New tests...   :-?

Gross Weight: 120.000
Vr should aprox 120.

1.  What I notice is that for take-off, beside the need of at least 5 trim, it is "hard" to take off. Yoke full back and at 145 it starts to move nose up.

2. Full spoilers in flight, breaks almost nothing. Same when landed.

3. During aproach, flap 30, at 135 knots I need to trim almost full back (10) to mantain the nose straight, other wise it will dive. It should descent at 700 ft/min with nose up 4% (aprox).

Thats all I found.

Climb, cruise and descent is perfect.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 16th, 2010 at 4:59am
For your approach, at flaps 30 at VREF+5 you should have 1' of pitch, not 4'. Are you sure you have enough power? Fuel flow should be about 3000 pph on each engine on final.  I spent a considerable amount of time to get the pitch correct on final approach and I know it's correct.

I set up a take off with the weight in your scenario and found I needed about 3/4 of the available trim within the green band to rotate at the correct speed, although it did require a considerable amount of elevator. I will look at this issue some more -- the COG and some other variables may need a little more fine tuning.  All my testing in terms of rotation was with considerably heavier weights and higher Vr speeds.

In the meantime just use more trim for rotation.  But this will never be perfect as the trim needs to be set according to a chart based on the percentage MAC you have when the aircraft is loaded. Ideally we would have a utility to show this value after loading the aircraft, but here we have to guess.

I'm not sure what you mean by "full spoilers in flight breaks almost nothing." If you are talking about the drag from the spoilers, I didn't change that from Captain Sim's values and I don't have any data on which to base any change. I don't have any problem slowing the aircraft with the spoilers.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 16th, 2010 at 7:30pm

In the meantime just use more trim for rotation

No problem at all  ;)

full spoilers in flight breaks almost nothing

Sorry, my native language is spanish. I'll try to explain again.

In another similar plane, at 300knots if you put spoilers full extended for 5 secs, it reduce speed to aprox 270 knots. You "feel" deceleration. The VC moves a lot.

Now, in same situation with 727-100, after 5 secs it reduce speed to only 293 knots. VC moves just a bit giving sensation of not "feeling" deceleration.

Doesn't happend to you?

this will never be perfect as the trim needs to be set according to a chart based on the percentage MAC you have when the aircraft is loaded. Ideally we would have a utility to show this value after loading the aircraft

Well, I use a program to read and write values to FS (because I've build some basic cockpit parts). Because of that I'm able know almost all information needed :). FSUIPC has a variable for that:
Offset: 2EF8 Length 8
CG percent, as a double (FLOAT64). This is probably the position of the actual CoG as a % of MAC.

If you want this program I can point you to it. It's free for home use.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 17th, 2010 at 3:00am
I have a program called ASFD that shows values for many variables -- possibly it can help me with the center of gravity issues. What program are you referring to? I think you are right and that my model could use some improvement in that area. I will produce an update, but it may take a while.

With the spoilers, I just don't have any data to tell me how effective they should be.

Don't worry about your English.  It's a lot better than the French I have been trying to learn for decades now.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Kiwichris on Jan 17th, 2010 at 9:41am
Much better flight model thanks. I notice all the leading edge slats/flaps are coming out at flap 2 though; did you need this for the dynamics?

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 17th, 2010 at 10:12pm
No, it isn't needed for the flight model.  Only some of them should come out at flaps 2 -- I'll add that to my revision list.  Thanks for pointing that out.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by josephsevern on Jan 18th, 2010 at 11:29am
hi micheal

I have tried your new flight model and a strange plane behaviour has occured :

on final approche, AP on, flapp 25° down, gears up, plane's weight around 130 000 lbs, catching well the GS from 5000 ft above the airport (AP altitude hold automaticaly switched off), the aircraft attitude looks impossible :
- nose pitch down 12° !
- VS around 700 ftm !
- throttle around 1.85 EPR !
- no trim applied
- KIAS 122 knots !
the aircraft has followed well the GS in that attitude  :o while on final, previous to touch down and gears down, I had to disconnect the AP and fly the bird by hands until on the ground. The plane landed at 86 knts at flaps 30° !!!

Previously in a clean configuration filght at FL250, I had applied 1.88 EPR to maintain 350 knots speed (plane's weight 135 000 lbs) instead the 1.63 EPR required according to DL727 charts

I have no idea why this things appened ! sorry

computer configuration : Vista 32 SP2 4Gb ram, FSX SP2, CaptainSim 727 SP 2.2 modified (fixed ERP gauge, modified aircraft.cfg and your new cs727100.air file)

I had to get back to original cs727100.air and unmodified cfg file to land with correct plane attitude (I kept the modified ERP gauge). :'(

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 18th, 2010 at 6:50pm
Sorry you had this problem Joseph. I think something might have gone wrong with your installation.  Sounds like the right airfile didn't end up in the right folder.  Or maybe the cfg file was overwritten in some way after you edited it.  I spent a lot of time tweaking the flap lift so that there would be around 1 to 1.5 degrees of pitch at VREF +5 on a flaps 30 approach.  The mod is only for the 727-100 model.

I checked the download and the correct air file is there.

I wonder as well this could be connected to the different Captain Sim 100 model variants? I have never used the one with winglets or anything other than the basic 100. I should probably look into the question of variants and the operations of the ACE utility.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 18th, 2010 at 8:36pm

nose pitch down 12° !
- VS around 700 ftm !
- throttle around 1.85 EPR !
- no trim applied
- KIAS 122 knots !

Same happend to me. I use the another company-RE variant. Will try with the basic and see if it changes.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Markoz on Jan 18th, 2010 at 9:40pm

Michael2 wrote on Jan 18th, 2010 at 6:50pm:
I wonder as well this could be connected to the different Captain Sim 100 model variants? I have never used the one with winglets or anything other than the basic 100. I should probably look into the question of variants and the operations of the ACE utility.

Hi Michael.

Just a matter curiosity on my behalf. If you don't mind.

How can the different 727-100 models be affected if they are all using the same aircraft.cfg, cs727100.air file and gauges from the panel folder? The only difference that I have found between the 727-100 variants is how the exterior model looks. They certainly don't seem to perform any differently (unless I am blissfully ignorant to any actual differences). :-?

Keep up the good work. You are making a great airplane even greater. ;)


Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 18th, 2010 at 11:04pm

How can the different 727-100 models be affected if they are all using the same aircraft.cfg, cs727100.air file and gauges from the panel folder

As far as I know, the aircraft.cfg is different. Same for the .air file. Actually is not cs727100.air, it is cs727200.air.
Air file contains all the coeficients used for the flight model.

Gauges are almost all the same, besides 1 or 2.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by asanal on Jan 19th, 2010 at 4:28am

Is it possible, you can give step by step installation guide. I don't want to make any changes in Aircraft.cfg, until I  can follow the  easy step installation guide.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Markoz on Jan 19th, 2010 at 7:26am

javiercuellar wrote on Jan 18th, 2010 at 11:04pm:

As far as I know, the aircraft.cfg is different. Same for the .air file. Actually is not cs727100.air, it is cs727200.air.
Air file contains all the coeficients used for the flight model.

Gauges are almost all the same, besides 1 or 2.

Yes Javier. You are right. The 727-100 and 727-200 do use different airfiles. But here:-

Michael2 wrote on Jan 18th, 2010 at 6:50pm:
Sorry you had this problem Joseph. I think something might have gone wrong with your installation.  Sounds like the right airfile didn't end up in the right folder.  Or maybe the cfg file was overwritten in some way after you edited it.  I spent a lot of time tweaking the flap lift so that there would be around 1 to 1.5 degrees of pitch at VREF +5 on a flaps 30 approach.  The mod is only for the 727-100 model.

I checked the download and the correct air file is there.

I wonder as well this could be connected to the different Captain Sim 100 model variants? I have never used the one with winglets or anything other than the basic 100. I should probably look into the question of variants and the operations of the ACE utility.

Michael says that it is ONLY for the 727-100 and that's what I was going by. If you are using the Mod in the 727-200 that could explain the problems.


Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 19th, 2010 at 7:42am
Well, having looked at the way the variants work, I think Markoz is right.  All the 100 models share the same air and cfg files and the ACE utility only overwrites the station loads part of the cfg file.

So Joseph, I think something went wrong with your installation of the new air file or your modification of the cfg file.

Asanal, you can easily make a backup copy of your config file in case anything goes wrong.  Then all you need to do is find the lines of text that start the same as the ones in the readme file and replace the orignal with what is in the readme.  For example, to start, you search down the config file to find the line that begins with empty_weight_CG_position followed by some numbers and replace it with what I have in the readme.  If I had any programming ability, I would make an installer, but I am afraid that is completely beyond me.

I will produce an update soon (not sure when exactly) to address the issue with difficult rotation and hopefully provide a COG gauge and take off trim chart.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by josephsevern on Jan 19th, 2010 at 5:17pm
hi micheal

thanks for your concern and the great job you've done

i'm using 727 100 model of course and i carrefuly made the modifications. But nobody's perfect so i'll try again and let you know how things goes... :)

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 19th, 2010 at 7:16pm
Hi Joseph,

I did look at what you said about cruise power at 25,000 feet and you are right that the specified power is inadequate.  All my testing and tweaking was at more conventional cruise altitudes of around 30-35,000 feet and then at low altitude low speed conditions.  To improve this issue would involve substantially re-doing one of turbine tables in the airfile and I am not sure I when if ever I will have time to do that.  For a conventional flight with high altitude cruise, the tables work well for Mach .8 or .78 cruise.  I never bothered with Mach .84, so I don't know if that works well.

I have once (last night in fact)had a problem with going from flaps 15 to 30 at too high a speed immediately after catching the glide slope (on autopilot)and ending up in a significantly nose down attitude when the aircraft ballooned up well above the glide slope due the increased lift.  That was my error and the autopilot didn't cope well with the result or with my flailing about the throttle levers.  I guess what I am saying is maybe you did have the mod installed properly but the approach went wrong for some other reason.  But I have done many, many approaches that went perfectly with this flight model.

Really i think the most likely explanation is that you are getting way too much flap lift because of some error in modifying the config file or somehow getting a mismatch in pairing the right config and air files.

I know there are some imperfections with the flight model and some of them I am sure will eventually be sorted, but I have very limited time to so.  Personally, I like the result -- it works for the flights I have done with it so I thought I would share my work for those who want to try it.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by asanal on Jan 20th, 2010 at 5:00pm
Thanks . I think I managed the installation.
1-What will be the expectation I should looking for?
2- Will your EPR gauges replace 727-100 EPR   gauge?
3- I made a test flight, but I cant see any visual difference in the EPR gauges?


Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by asanal on Jan 20th, 2010 at 5:16pm
One other thing came to my attention at the end of yesterday test flight. 727-100  1.37 Hour flight  fuel  consumption  reached to 26,000 Lbs. I lost number two in short  final, and one and three  during the touchdown.
Is it normal?

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 20th, 2010 at 7:15pm
Hi Sanal,

No, that fuel consumption is way off.  A typical high altitude cruise consumption would be about 5000 lbs per hour.  On the cruise performance charts, there is an explanation of how to calculate fuel consumption. You can cross check that with what the fuel flow gauges show (multiply one engine's consumption by three).  I calibrated the consumption to match the performance charts.

So I think something went wrong with your installation.

Do you have the following lines in your modified config file and did you remove the corresponding lines from the original?

fuel_flow_scalar= 1.05

ThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 0.725

Did you replace the original cs727100.air file?  

As for the EPR gauges, yes you must replace the orginal file, Captain_Sim.p721.C07.CAB, in the panel folder with the replacement file of the same name.  Either take the original out, or better, just give it a different name so you can easily restore it if you need to.  

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by asanal on Jan 21st, 2010 at 1:34am
1-fuel_flow_scalar=1.05   Inserted

2-ThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 0.725 Inserted

3- cs727100.air file replaced

4-Captain_Sim.p721.C07.CAB replaced

Here is PR gouges picture. Is it OK? I dont see TAT indicator?

I will make another test flight  and will inform.


Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by asanal on Jan 21st, 2010 at 1:38am

Sorry, here is the screen picture,

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by asanal on Jan 21st, 2010 at 4:59am
I gave up on  ERP gauges. Some thing totally went wrong during installation. During test flight 727-100 was unstable. ERP thrust was unlimited 4000ft climb all the way 30000ft. Landing 120KT indicated AS, but it must be over 200Kt in short final. It was hard to control plane on the rwy. Trim the airplane was impossible.

So I am going to uninstall and reinstall 727-100X. May be when I am ready  in future days I will try it again.
Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by javiercuellar on Jan 21st, 2010 at 1:21pm

I dont see TAT indicator?

look at this post, in it you can download a gauge.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by David Zill on Jan 21st, 2010 at 4:53pm
I downloaded the edited flight model exactly by the instructions and edited the aircraft.cfg file. What happend was my aircraft able to climb at 5,000FPM, while gaining airspeed at almost a nose level attitude. I have a difficult time harnessing the aircrafts power and keeping in from overspeed. when i did get control, when i captured a glide slope the nose went to a -15-20 nose down attitude with the standard ils decent rate.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 21st, 2010 at 7:50pm
David, clearly something went wrong with your installation as I would not share a flight model like that with the community.  The other possibility is that there is an error in my instructions to modify the config file, but I don't think that is the case as I have reviewed it several times and two other posters say the mod performs well.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by David Zill on Jan 21st, 2010 at 7:56pm
I believe there was, I mean in flap01, 01,02, etc, do we copy and paste what u provieded over the entire respective flap## or just the area of your edit, I mean like:

type= 2
span-outboard= 0.589
extending-time= 10.0
system_type= 1
damaging-speed= 250.0
blowout-speed= 300.0
lift_scalar= 1.000
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 1.000
flaps-position.0= 0
flaps-position.1= 0
flaps-position.2= 1

this is the aircraft.cfg:

type= 2
span-outboard= 0.8
extending-time= 10.0
system_type= 1
damaging-speed= 250.0
blowout-speed= 300.0
lift_scalar= 1.000
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 1.000
flaps-position.0= 0
flaps-position.1= 1
flaps-position.2= 2
flaps-position.3= 2
flaps-position.4= 2
flaps-position.5= 2
flaps-position.6= 2

Do we copy and paste your edit over that entire selection or just the specific edits u made for flaps2?

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by Michael2 on Jan 21st, 2010 at 10:13pm
The intent is that you should replace all of the flap sections in the original config file in their entirety only with the lines in my readme file.

Sorry about that, looking at your question I can see there is some ambiguity there.  So when you are done the only lines you should have in your config file with respect to the flaps are:

type= 1
span-outboard= 0.632
extending-time= 40.0
system_type= 1
damaging-speed= 250.0
blowout-speed= 300.0
lift_scalar= 1.000
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 1.000
flaps-position.0=  0
flaps-position.1=  2
flaps-position.2=  5
flaps-position.3= 15
flaps-position.4= 25
flaps-position.5= 30
flaps-position.6= 40

type= 2
span-outboard= 0.327
extending-time= 10.0
system_type= 1
damaging-speed= 250.0
blowout-speed= 300.0
lift_scalar= 1.000
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 1.000
flaps-position.0=  0
flaps-position.1=  1

type= 2
span-outboard= 0.589
extending-time= 10.0
system_type= 1
damaging-speed= 250.0
blowout-speed= 300.0
lift_scalar= 1.000
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 1.000
flaps-position.0= 0
flaps-position.1= 0
flaps-position.2= 1

This produces the desired result in terms of the flight model, but unfortunately the flight model will  no longer be synchronized with the flap animation of the physical model -- all leading edge devices will now extend with the first notch of flap application.  I have found a way to correct this and will eventually post an update. I will also clarify the instructions in the download readme before then.

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by David Zill on Jan 22nd, 2010 at 12:56am
OK cool I will try it out later. I am going to assume thats why people were having problems on approach, etc...right when the flaps were being extended. thanks

Title: Re: New Flight Model
Post by David Zill on Jan 22nd, 2010 at 9:36pm
Ok thanks for your clarification with the aircraft.cfg edits. I fly the IGS 13A approach at kai tak, I used HDG control to capture localizer, then switched to apprch/GS auto. The aircraft flew the glideslope flawlessly. If anyone is having weird aircraft attitude issues it is probably the way you edited the flaps portion of your aircraft.cfg file.

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