727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> B727 cold and dark problem

Message started by glez18 on Jan 4th, 2010 at 6:34am

Title: Re: B727 cold and dark problem
Post by Wigwag123 on Mar 7th, 2010 at 7:20pm

Markoz wrote on Mar 7th, 2010 at 10:10am:
I've been doing a test on mine right now and after 46+ minutes I still have power to my avionics. All I did was load the 727 into FSX, turned on the Battery Switch and left it sitting there while I played Solitaire. As I am about to submit this message I still have power to the avionics.


Edit. It has now been 1 hour and the avionics are still working.

Can you please confirm this for me just so I know an easy way to check while I am trying to figure out my problem.

I assume this is what should happen after adding the electric always available line in the A/C cfg file. When you load up a cold and dark flight in the727, then go to the 2D screen and hit the GPS button (WITHOUT hitting the barttery main toggle first) that the GPS should be on. By this I mean you don't have to turn it on as electricity is always available.

For the hec of it I will remove that line from the cfg, save it and then add it again and save it just to see what happens. Thanks.

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