727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> B727 cold and dark problem

Message started by glez18 on Jan 4th, 2010 at 6:34am

Title: Re: B727 cold and dark problem
Post by Markoz on Jan 27th, 2010 at 12:29am
Hi Sanal.

Good reply and so on track with a lot of what you say. Why do some things work for some and not others? I believe it to be something in our setup of FSX or some addon that causes strange things, just like you said.

A good example. With the 727-100X I can use the AP GS most times but, by no means, all the time. I don't really know why. Does it have to do with how lined up on the localizer I am before engaging it? I don't know for sure and that's why it doesn't work 100% of the time.

One final thing is this. I have never tried to start the 727 without using the APU as I assumed that it would be needed to start it. Just like the Captain Sim 757 and 767. And I haven't actually timed how long the battery lasts before it runs out of power, but it certainly doesn't seem to be very long.


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