727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> B727 cold and dark problem

Message started by glez18 on Jan 4th, 2010 at 6:34am

Title: Re: B727 cold and dark problem
Post by asanal on Jan 26th, 2010 at 5:36pm
WE all have the same 727-100X. I assume  we should have same problems, unless our Pc configuration contributing the problem. I can start engines with battery power with out any problem. I can click on EP
and can start the engine and APU.

In mean time I cannot use AP GS, because it is not capturing signal and tracking. Why, I have no idea.

Do we have all same Aircraft and Panel.cfg files? Or some add-ons are influencing each other. I am sure yes. I have FSCaptain I cannot use it if I activate FSCrew with MD11X and LDSX.

In RW you should be  able use your batteries at least 30 minutes or more.I assume SIMworld should be like that also. In your case , you are loosing battery power rapidly. Is it possible in your Aircraft.cfg file battery power numbers is lesser then should be?

Or mine GS intercept Aircraft.Cfg file suppose to be 1 or 2  instead of 0.

I think, we should start to check if Aircraft.cfg files numbers are some reason cahged or not.
In My case CS support said, all people who does not  have FSX Acceleration on their system are experiencing AP and Cabin Sound problems after the SP 2.3 installation.
Do you have FSX Acceleration??

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