727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> A thanks and Varig 727-100 paint request

Message started by cmpbllsjc on Dec 12th, 2009 at 9:18am

Title: A thanks and Varig 727-100 paint request
Post by cmpbllsjc on Dec 12th, 2009 at 9:18am
First I would like to thank Captain Sim for sale the other day. I haven't bought a Captian Sim product since the F-104 for FS9. Yesterday I bought the C-130 Full Pack, the 727-100 + Freighter. I was so happy with the 727-100 that I went ahead and bought the -200 before the sale expired. I have yet to even install the C-130 and the -200 and freighter packs yet.

Anyway, I have been searching around the internet, Avsim,, etc., and can't seem to locate a repaint for the Varig 727-100 that has been retired. Anyone know where I could find this paint or any of the paint experts interested in doing one?

Thanks in advance.



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