727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> How are Frame Rates

Message started by Tim Capps on May 21st, 2009 at 5:22am

Title: Re: How are Frame Rates
Post by Tim Capps on Jun 20th, 2009 at 5:22am

McDaniel wrote on Jun 16th, 2009 at 6:58am:
Hello 727 freaks

I cant not share your statements, my frames are low in the VC, is there a option I can turn on/off to get better performance?

Just for comparsion: In the same situation I get following frames with planes:
CS 727 Pro : 21
MD11 other: 35
MD80 other:42
DA PA31: 39

So could there be something wrong???

Thanks for any feedback?

That looks about right to me as far as frame rates go.  You don't say where or what stage of flight.  If 21 is the worst you are getting, what's the problem?  Is it not smooth?

I get around 20 at a big airport with 70% Traffic X with the 757.  Works for me.  FPS is just a number.  What matter is how it is performing for you.  MD-80 is going to be sky-high with FPS, but compare the vcs between the two.  I love that MD-80, but everything is a trade-off.

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