727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> How are Frame Rates

Message started by Tim Capps on May 21st, 2009 at 5:22am

Title: How are Frame Rates
Post by Tim Capps on May 21st, 2009 at 5:22am
I loved the old version, and have to admit I'm drooling over this one.  But after the way the 2008 Maddog VC hit my FPS after their FSX port, I'm wondering what frame rates people are getting.

I have a Dell XPS430 (2.5 core 2 quad, 6 gig ram, upgraded power, Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT).  After cleaning up with Alacrity and locking my FPS at 25 via nHancer, I can get a solid 25 at big airports with 60% X Traffic in the another company, but I consider the Maddog's VC unusable due to the frame rate hit (although it works fine with VC disabled and has a great 2-D panel).

I have heard the 727 is not patched up to the level of the 757, so am looking for opinions on frame rates and overall bugginess or lack thereof.

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