707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> 707 for FSX

Message started by nubbie44 on Jan 28th, 2009 at 12:31am

Title: 707 for FSX
Post by nubbie44 on Jan 28th, 2009 at 12:31am
Do we have a time frame on this, this is my favorite aircraft ever and the 2004 version was great, but I do not have 2004 installed anymore after I got FSX. I know 727 Captain is out when can we expect 707 Captain for FSX!?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim on Jan 28th, 2009 at 11:43pm
If everythig goes well most likely it's going to be this year.  

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by nubbie44 on Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:44pm
Great, I can hardly wait!  :)

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Tyrion on Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:55pm
Great, a 707!!
now hope everything goes well so it'll be here this year!!

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by RichardH on Jan 30th, 2009 at 4:59pm
Sounds brilliant! My favourite producers making my favourite aircraft.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Bob Markey on Jan 30th, 2009 at 9:20pm
I'll start working out my budget now so I can pick it up when released.

I would have bought the current 707 if I hadn't upgraded recently to FSX.  I just can't justify any more payware for FS9 going forward.

Of course now I must get another throttle quad module to handle the 4th engine.  8-)

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by SIR_PAGANINY on Apr 27th, 2009 at 11:49am
I will also be glad having a FSX 707

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Cthulhus on Apr 28th, 2009 at 4:27pm
Yes ! Great new !

This is my wich list :

Boeing 737 (100/200)
Boeing 767 (200ER)
Boeing 737 (300 to 500)
And Boeing 747 (100/200/300)


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by RichardH on May 19th, 2009 at 6:18pm

Cthulhus wrote on Apr 28th, 2009 at 4:27pm:
Yes ! Great new !

This is my wich list :

Boeing 737 (100/200)
Boeing 767 (200ER)
Boeing 737 (300 to 500)
And Boeing 747 (100/200/300)


Haven't some of those been made already though?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Cthulhus on May 19th, 2009 at 7:01pm
yes, but without the level of details of Captain SIM !

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Zakk on May 27th, 2009 at 6:32pm
for CS,

Any idea for a release date for the 707 FSX?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Tyrion on May 27th, 2009 at 8:40pm

Captain Sim wrote on Jan 28th, 2009 at 11:43pm:
If everythig goes well most likely it's going to be this year.  

@ Zakk
I don't think you can expect a more detailed answer, especially with this section in the Forum Rules:

5. Please DO NOT ask us to provide release dates, features lists, previews, progress reports or any other info on our products in development.
We at CS work according to our internal development schedule that depends on quite a number of CS internal and general market conditions.
a. We release all products as soon as they are ready to be released.
b. We post all product features, release plans, announces, progress reports and any other info at as soon as they are ready to be posted.



Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Thralni on Jun 29th, 2009 at 12:29pm
This is probably the best news I heard in some time. Just a pity I don't have FSX. In any case, when I do get it (only in several years), I know there will be a 707.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Tim Capps on Jul 5th, 2009 at 5:42am
There is going to be a 707 for FSX?  Wow.  I can be Dean Martin in Airport.  I would really enjoy that.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Thralni on Oct 30th, 2009 at 9:01am
I wonder whether this 707 is still gonna be released before the end of the year. Contrary to what I said previously, I have FSX and it run well enough for me. Can't wait to fly a good 707 again!

I hope they will continue making classic aircraft and will make their next one a Boeing 737-100/200.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by bloodclot on Jan 28th, 2010 at 1:32pm
Great with the 707, i really hope they make an cargo version similair to the 727!
A B737-200 with Gravel kit a'la north canada would be awesome!!!!


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by High Iron on Jan 31st, 2010 at 4:54am
Considering the latest works of CS, I believe we will be in for a real treat with the 707. Considering that with CS products you don't just get a VC and good model; with the exception of the B52, you get the whole darn airplane. Even with other good competitors out there, this very fact keeps CS tops in my books.

I too would like to see the 737-200 aircraft as none exist to the level of CS or for FSX. Since the early 737's share massive commonality with the 707 and 727 series, it seems a no-brainer to include it in the series much like the move from the 757 to the 767. Should one become available, I'll be looking to ply the virtual sky's in a CP Air variant.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by bloodclot on Mar 9th, 2010 at 9:33am
Hi CS and fellow simmers

Whats the status on the 707? i'm really eager to fly that plane again after a hold up since i've got rid of  fs9 in 2006.
i've had serious thoughts of reinstallin fs9 just to get the 707 back up into the sky again.
Will there be as with the 727 a Pack with the passenger version and a cargo version or all in one pack?
have a nice day everyone


Title: 707 questions
Post by bloodclot on Mar 18th, 2010 at 5:26pm
Just wondering the status on the FSX 707? And will there be pax/cargo in one pack or two different packs?

mikael j

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim on Mar 31st, 2010 at 11:11pm
The 707 Captain development is going well (slow but well).

First we'll release the 707-300 (ADV and B variants). The 707 is going to be a Pro Line product, so we can excpect advanced functionality and hardcore features like weather radar, etc.
We are planning an extensive preview in April.

The -300C, VC-137C and E-3A will be released as Expansion models.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Dax on Apr 1st, 2010 at 6:48am
Sounds good.  Looking forward to it.


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Markoz on Apr 1st, 2010 at 3:42pm
It sure sounds like another one to add to my list of "I gotta have it". ;)


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Tyrion on Apr 2nd, 2010 at 5:38am
Also looking forward to it... another Boeing classic by CS  :D

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim 2 on Apr 2nd, 2010 at 7:00am
Thanks :)

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by afmoose on Apr 5th, 2010 at 4:56pm
Any chances for an E-8C model?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by 7107delicious on Apr 8th, 2010 at 2:39am
I'm very excited! Finally, a very highly-detailed 707 for FSX!

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Pilot Pete on Apr 10th, 2010 at 1:37am
Will the 707 come with a 2d cockpit?  

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim on Apr 12th, 2010 at 4:01pm
We think the 2D cockpit concept sounds a bit outdated, as compared to the level of details, quality, realism, flexibility and functionlality we provide in VC.

But we'll add some auxiliary 2D panels like radio, radar, etc for convenience.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Markoz on Apr 12th, 2010 at 11:30pm

Captain Sim wrote on Apr 12th, 2010 at 4:01pm:
We think the 2D cockpit concept sounds a bit outdated, as compared to the level of details, quality, realism, flexibility and functionlality we provide in VC.

But we'll add some auxiliary 2D panels like radio, radar, etc for convenience.

It sounds like it will be the same as it is for the 727's.



Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Raedwulf on Apr 16th, 2010 at 5:10pm
Back in the late 70's, early 80's I often flew on the CC-137, usually from Namao, AB to Trenton, ON.

It would be great if the 347C variant were included

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by afmoose on Apr 17th, 2010 at 2:09am
I work on E-8C's (707-300C) everyday, although I'm moving on to B-52H models soon. Gonna miss my old girl flying around every day, but I am glad you guys are doing the 707 Captain. At least I can fly her in the sim when she's done.



Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Tim Capps on Jun 8th, 2010 at 11:57pm
This is sounding better and better.  I can't wait.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX It would be nice
Post by McCartney95 on Jun 11th, 2010 at 8:52am
It would be nice if you could make a configurator for the cs 707 (when it gets released) in which I can choice if I want to start in cold & dark status or other things like this and I'm missing the sound before an announcement came so it would be nice if you would integrate this sound.

But the best what you could do, is if you correct the reaction to the air pressure. I can open the doors in 30.000 Feets and nothing happens. It would be really cool if you program an Animation for the drop down of the Oxygenmasks in the cabin if there is a pressure drop in the cabin (I know it's very difficult) but it would do me fine, if you only corrrect the reactions of the plane if the Airpressure is falling. But what I think is makeablee is the freezing of the windows of the windows, if the window heaters are deactivated. And I'm sure that there are lots of Flightsimmers who have the same oppinion like me nad want this too.
And it would be very nice if you make active the cabin signs for smoking and fasten seatbelts, with this I mean when in the cockpit the fasten seatbelts are switched to on then the fasten seatbelt sign in the cabin should be litting.

Yours sincerly

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by bloodclot on Jun 23rd, 2010 at 9:06am
Anybody having any idea of wich will be released first, BUFF VC or the 707?
I agree on an type of ACE configurator with options where you can choose only economy seats or VIP interior or business class/econ setup as on the fs9 model.

best regards

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by jeffg on Jun 26th, 2010 at 2:46pm
Any chance that CS will give a update on the status of the 707?


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim 2 on Jun 29th, 2010 at 6:55am
Please stay tuned.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by jeffg on Jun 29th, 2010 at 7:43pm
Thank you for the reply,will be standing by.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by jeffg on Jun 29th, 2010 at 9:18pm
This is just a follow up as I found a great old book called Boeing 707 by Martin Caidin published in 1959. The book is a paperback and if you can find one buy it as this is a great read.


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Emi on Jun 30th, 2010 at 6:49pm
Hi CS,
a little question: you've saied in your first post in here that the 707 is going to be released in 2009 but now it's already 2010. so you already delayed, but how close are you to release? (yes i've read you post above!) i'm just wondering because many other developers release their product a few month after the first deadline and now it is a few month after your deadline which is showen on the first page. and you've never mentioned anything about the delay! so how good is the development really going on? are you already in the beta-phase?
as we can see in your weatherradar preview the 707 can fly already and it seems like most of the work is done, so i'm wondering why there isn't my most loved announcement (i'm sure you know what i mean^^)

and a question about your aircraft:
i don't know the real 707, so does it have an autopilot? and if yes, how advanced is it? and am i right when i think that it is similar as the 727 ones?
and is it tested if the AP can hold the aircraft in the attitude it's supposed to be? (not as in the 757 where it suddenly starts to bank very strong even if i got the update to the newest version where it should have been fixed)
and how is it behaving when i use increased simulation rate?

and one last question: what about the price of the 707? is it going to cost 40€ or 50 or even only 30? ;)

thanks for your answer in advice!

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim on Jul 2nd, 2010 at 1:01pm
The 707 development is going well. It's at the beta stage. If everything will go as planned we hope to release it in the end of July.  

As for the pricing and features list please standby for announcements.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Tim Capps on Jul 2nd, 2010 at 2:46pm
That news is a nice 4th of July weekend present!  I'm flying the 727 now to get in practice with antique aircraft :-)

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Markoz on Jul 2nd, 2010 at 3:54pm
Great news Captain Sim! I shall keep my fingers crossed that all goes well. I'm really looking forward to the release of the 707.


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by IdanTR on Jul 3rd, 2010 at 12:05pm
Great news!!! 8-)

just a small question:

will the 707X feature sheared cockpit ?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by mike1992 on Jul 3rd, 2010 at 4:43pm
Sounds amazing,can we also expect transparent windows?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim on Jul 8th, 2010 at 12:16pm

mike1992 wrote on Jul 3rd, 2010 at 4:43pm:
Sounds amazing,can we also expect transparent windows?


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by McCartney95 on Jul 29th, 2010 at 2:29pm
Which Airlines will be included for the 707?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by McCartney95 on Jul 31st, 2010 at 3:20pm
Will/or has have the CS 707 the original sounds of the B707 or only filtered sounds?

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim on Aug 2nd, 2010 at 2:58pm
The 707 Captain will have authentic Boeing 707 engines and cockpit sounds.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Meier on Aug 2nd, 2010 at 6:10pm
Will the 707 have working overwing emergency exits, starboard service doors and hat-rack exits (C-Versions)?

I think of the door control panal a la 727 or 757


Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by Captain Sim 2 on Aug 3rd, 2010 at 6:52am
Thank you for interest.

Captain Sim wrote on Jul 2nd, 2010 at 1:01pm:
As for the pricing and features list please standby for announcements.

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by bloodclot on Aug 11th, 2010 at 6:49pm
Will there be an APU? Any other news?  :D

Title: Re: 707 for FSX
Post by McCartney95 on Aug 11th, 2010 at 7:14pm

MikaelJ wrote on Aug 11th, 2010 at 6:49pm:
Will there be an APU? Any other news?  :D

Captain Sim wrote on Jul 2nd, 2010 at 1:01pm:
As for the pricing and features list please standby for announcements.

I'm sure it will have an APU like the real Boeing 707 it will be a High Quality product, but I'm sure that we have to wait a looong tim til its release. I hope that it will remunerate to wait for this (great) Addon.

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